Work is set to start this month on a solar project at the National Sports Centre, it was announced today.
It is the last part of a three-phase project and is expected to make a 20 per cent saving on the centre’s utility costs.
A spokesman for the NSC said: “The third phase will see the erection of a solar car port over the Robert’s Avenue parking lot, between the main exit and the cricket pavilion.
“The construction area will be blocked off to the public from Monday, August 15 as the site is being prepared for work that is expected to start on Thursday, August 18 and be completed by the first week in November.”
The first phase of the project saw the installation of a new energy-efficient heating and cooling system to regulate temperatures in the 50m Aquatics Centre pool.
Phase two saw incandescent flood lights switched to energy-efficient LED lights. The Aquatics Centre and the hockey pitch have been completed while the North Field is currently 75 per cent complete and work on the Flora Duffy Stadium South Field lights is expected to start in September.
The spokesman added: “We thank the public in advance for their patience as we complete this much anticipated project.
“The pavilion will remain open during this time with alternative access through the northern Robert’s Avenue gate and the field, track and outdoor fitness equipment will also remain available for walkers, joggers and other scheduled group activities.
“We ask that everyone follow all posted rules and refrain from entering the construction area.”
The energy project has not been without controversy. Curtis Dickinson, the former finance minister, confirmed in July last year that the Government had issued a guarantee for a $3.235 million loan on behalf of the centre for the purchase and installation of its renewable energy system.
The contract was awarded to Atlantic Energy Solutions Group in September 2018 through a letter of intent from the Government. It was mothballed until last May when the Government formally authorised the company to start work.
The Opposition said at the time that the contract should be put out to tender again after it was revealed that the sports centre had to take out a bank loan to finance the project. When Atlantic was first declared the preferred candidate in September 2018, it had financing in place to break ground — and the NSC understood that it would not have to pay anything until work was complete.
Craig Cannonier, the Opposition spokesman on public works, said that because the circumstances had changed significantly over the three-year period, the contract should have been retendered.
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