Tricera Energy and Meyer Burger: Working with partners to develop a solar carport with battery storage made in Germany (

2022-06-10 19:42:15 By : Ms. Janey Zeng

The specialist magazine for renewable energiesThe solar carport with battery storage on the top floor of the car park at Tivoli in Freiberg will in future supply the car park and the adjoining Tivoli concert and ballroom with electricity.©Image: Tricera(PM) Tricera Energy, together with its partners JT Energy Systems, Meyer Burger and Hewesta, is developing a solar carport battery storage system for self-consumption optimization and peak load capping for industrial and commercial customers, including an intelligent charging station system for electromobility.From the solar module to the battery module to the charging station, all products should come from German added value.Corresponding reference projects are to be implemented at two pilot locations by next year (2023).With the first project, JT Energy Systems, with the support of Tricera Energy GmbH, successfully participated in the German innovation tender and was the first company to build an almost 1 MW solar carport with storage in Saxony (Products — Tricera Energy GmbH).Solar carport at Tivoli in Freiberg In the second project, the parking garage at Tivoli in Freiberg is equipped with a solar carport on the top floor and, together with the battery storage, supplies the parking garage and the adjacent Tivoli concert and ballroom with green, demand-oriented electricity.All parties involved got together in the second half of May to sign the relevant contracts Text: Tricera EnergyIs your company active in the field of renewable energy or energy efficiency?Then send an e-mail to with your name, address, field of activity and e-mail and we will be happy to include you in the company directory.