Fear no hot and sunny summer day when you can bring this popup sunshade along and create a shady shelter big enough for four adults
Scouting Report: This popup sunshade opens in about a minute and will be the perfect respite for adults and kids alike when they're outside in the sun.
If you have ever had a bad sunburn, you surely never want to have another bad sunburn. And they’re not one of those “don’t knock it until you try it” kind of things, for the record – no need for experimentation. On the other hand, it’s not much fun to go to drape yourself in protective clothing, don a broad-brimmed hat, and open up your parasol every time you want to go to the beach, park, campsite, or even just to hang out in your own yard while the sun is shining bright on long summer days.
So what’s to be done? Hide out inside all summer long? No! Dutifully apply sunblock to your exposed skin? Yes! Obviously! But also, if you can spare the 60 seconds it takes to set the thing up, pop up an Outdoor Products Sun Shade and you can create a shady shelter from harsh solar radiation that can comfortably accommodate four lounging adults.
When set up, which really does take all of a minute once you have done it a few times (granted, I also have a decent amount of experience setting up tents – budget yourself a whole two minutes for the first few setups if you’re not all that savvy in this arena), the Sun Shade has a floor area measuring eight feet by six feet, or 48 square feet, if you do the math. That’s plenty of room for you and three buddies to stretch out on towels or copious space for you to set up a pair of chairs and a table. And if you’re creating a sun shelter intended for kids, you can crowd even more humans under the canopy and out of the rays.
The structure weighs only 11 pounds and when broken down, rolled up, and packed away, it comprises a tube you can sling over your shoulder, tuck into your beach or park picnic wagon, fit into any car trunk, and tuck away on a shelf, under the bed, or in any closet. Deployed, you can use stakes to secure the canopy to soil or sand or use pockets set at each corner to weigh it down with stones, bricks, gravel, or the very sand on which it sits, in fact. Speaking of pockets, there are a pair of mesh pockets set inside the Sun Shade that can keep objects like phones, glasses, and wallets up off the ground and safe from splashes, stomping feet, and other whatnot.
And while not a true tent, the canopy is rain resistant and has a moveable sidewall, so if the sun is replaced by clouds and drizzle, you’ll have a decent rain shelter until the showers pass.
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