Not everyone can install a solar system on the roof.If you don't live in your own house, you still have the option of generating your own electricity.With balcony power plants, this works very has summarized all information about the small solar power plants for you.We may receive a commission for links marked with , "To the seller" or "To the shop".In mobile form in the camping and mobile home sector, such small plug-in power plants have been used in a similar design for some time.The constant improvement in the efficiency of the modules is now making such solutions more and more interesting for stationary use at home.However, such systems are less suitable for feeding energy into the public grid, since the effort required for this has a very negative impact on the possible yield.However, such small power plants are very well suited for self-use of the generated energy.The small power plants also consist of solar modules, such as those used for roof systems.Difference: For the smaller balcony systems, usually only a maximum of one or two modules are used for reasons of space.If more space is available, for example in garages, in gardens, on fences or facades, several modules are of course also possible.Such systems can be set up practically anywhere where there is enough space and other tenants or roommates are not affected or disturbed.In any case, you should get the OK from the landlord or owner, unless your system does not require any structural measures such as boreholes or the like.Basically, such systems are ready to buy from many suppliers.You can find an overview of providers under point 10. You then only have to set up the system in a suitable place and connect it.The principle is the same as for a large system on the roof.Difference: The small systems feed the electricity into the power grid via a plug, or into an optional energy storage device for self-consumption.We want to clarify the most important cornerstones for the operation of such a system in the form of questions and answers:For many potential interested parties, bureaucratic questions about feasibility and legality stand in the way of actual implementation.The legislator has nothing against such systems, but various rules must be observed.One of these rules is that the energy fed into the grid must always be controllable by the grid operator.This is the only way to ensure that there are no voltage peaks or energy drops.This includes an official registration of the systems.However, this only applies if you want to feed energy into the public grid, which is uninteresting with such small systems.If you use an electricity storage device to use the electricity yourself, no notification is required.Even then, the power plant falls under the term technical system and must comply with the regulations applicable in Germany.In Germany, these are defined as part of the German Industrial Standard (DIN) by the Association for Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Information Technology (VDE).To be more precise, the DIN-VDE-V-0100-551-1 standard applies here.It stipulates that the feed-in is possible via the "mixed final circuit", i.e. the normal power grid in the house or apartment.An upcoming new standard is intended to provide more clarity and security for users in the future, which is currently being developed by six partners in the "Knowledge and Technology Transfer through Patents and Standards" (WIPANO) program.The partners are Fraunhofer ISE, DGS, the German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies in DIN and VDE (DKE), Indielux, Solarinvert and the Solar Info Center.This standard should be fully developed by July 31, 2022, we reported.Since the systems work with normal plugs and can be purchased ready-made, there is no more danger from plug-in power plants than from any other electrical device.The connector only has to be marked accordingly with the maximum feed-in power.In Germany that is 600 watts at 230 volts mains voltage and 2.6 amps.Where energy flows, protection against electric shock is also absolutely necessary.This is also guaranteed by the system itself if it is approved.An automatic switch-off device in the inverter ensures that the flow of energy is reliably interrupted just 0.2 seconds after the system has been unplugged.Anyone who uses non-approved or certified components and does their own tinkering not only risks life and limb, but also significantly maximizes the risk of fire.In addition, weatherproof installation is essential.This is regulated in the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG), which is relevant for these systems.Three points are important here: 1. EEG surcharge, 2. EEG remuneration and 3. the obligation to report.The EEG surcharge does not apply, since the electricity comes from a renewable source and is used exclusively for self-sufficiency (§61a EEG).Remuneration is only relevant if it is fed into the public grid.Regarding the obligation to report: §74a and §76 of the EEG state that the grid operators in general and the Federal Network Agency must be informed about the operation of a balcony power plant on request, but only if electricity flows into the public grid.Here, of course, the right location for the system is important.Modules deliver the best yield on a south-facing balcony that is not shaded by trees or other buildings.The same applies to an installation on the lawn, garage or garden wall. The angle of the panels to the horizon should be 30 to 40 degrees in order to be able to make good use of the sun all year round.If this is not observed, the possible yield can drop significantly.If the location is shaded or the module is not optimally aligned, the yield will drop.Ideally, energy costs of around 5 to 10 cents per kilowatt hour can be realized in this way, which is far cheaper than electricity from the grid operator.Such small systems only cost a fraction of their large relatives on the roof.In addition, there are no additional costs such as solar technicians, electricians and other technology.The costs for such systems are usually recouped within a few years and from then on it becomes financially really interesting with an operating time of more than 20 years.After just two to three years, the CO2 footprint caused by the production of a solar module is balanced again.This is because solar power replaced the same amount of energy from fossil fuels during this time and was therefore also able to avoid the associated CO2 emissions.Prof. dr.Volker Quaschning in this video:I would like to see embedded YouTube content on this website.Glass-foil silicon modules are usually used in balcony power plants.These consist of 100 percent non-toxic materials, so even if they are not disposed of properly, they remain safe for the environment.The only exception here is the lead in the solder.With professional disposal, such as returning it to the manufacturer free of charge or dropping it off at a recycling center, that doesn't matter.Balcony power plants are easy to connect using standard plugs.You don't need a professional or electrician for this!If you want to feed electricity into the grid, you need a suitable electricity meter that records both the electricity fed in and the electricity drawn.But then a trade usually has to be registered with the tax office, since money is made here, albeit very little.A feed-in on this scale is uninteresting, if only because of the very low feed-in fee and the bureaucratic effort involved!The small plug-in solar devices are therefore more intended for self-consumption.Yes, such changes to the property must be reported to the landlord in any case if structural changes are necessary for installation!If the landlord or owner says no, nothing is lost.Because if no structural changes (boreholes, etc.) are necessary, a landlord can have no objections."PV modules, especially flexible, frameless modules, which are available from more and more providers, can also be used as privacy screens if this is not excluded in the rental agreement.Even then, the modules can be installed in such a way that the landlord should have no objections.Ready-to-install systems are available from just under 550 euros.This usually includes all components important for assembly, such as the solar module itself, inverter and end cap, brackets, cables (Wieland or Schuko), and small items.It is not mandatory, but it is recommended by the Baden-Württemberg consumer advice center, for example, that a finger-safe socket, also known as a "Wieland socket", be used to connect a balcony power plant instead of a normal Schuko socket.The socket with reverse polarity protection ensures that plugs cannot be inserted incorrectly.However, such sockets must be installed by an electrician, which entails additional costs.There are currently several manufacturers and suppliers who supply systems for a wide variety of usage scenarios.We want to introduce you to six models with individual prices.In the video you can see the 7 most important suppliers of solar systemsYou want to buy a solar system, but which photovoltaic provider is the best? tested nine providers active throughout Germany with six sample cases.The differences are huge, the test winner is clear.Here is the big solar system provider testAn Austrian Model S owner was able to claim a legal success in court: He fought...Since the start of the Renewable Energy Sources Act in 2000, the prices for photovoltaics have fallen to a fraction...With a special kind of electricity meter, customers can now easily see their consumption and electricity prices in...