East Massapequa, Massapequa, Massapequa Park, Plainedge, South Farmingdale and Long Island, New York
INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF MASSAPEQUAPARK NASSAU COUNTY,NEW YORK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the provision of the State of NewYork, that a Public Hearingwill be held by the ZoningBoard of Appeals in the Incorporated Village of Massapequa Park on Wednesday,March 23, 2022, at 8:00PM in the Village Hall, 151Front Street, MassapequaPark, New York 11762 forthe following purposes: Case No. 4311 To considerthe variance application ofMs. Samantha Crifasi, 135Smith Street, MassapequaPark, NY 11762 to maintain rear yard pavilion, andraised brick kitchen counterarea with sink, shed andpool pavers ALL in violationof Village Code. Such proposals are in violation of the following VillageCodes: Chapter 345-31 (A) Rearand Side Yards in part whichstates: Must maintain a 15foot rear yard setback toall structures. Existing rearyard pavilion is located atits roofline one (1) foot andkitchen counter area is located two (2) feet from rearproperty line, deficient by 14feet and 13 feet respectivelyto rear property line. Chapter 345-43 (B) Sheds
which states: All sheds onresidential property shall bea minimum of two (2) feetfrom rear and side propertylines. Existing shed is located approximately one point five(1.5) feet from side propertyline, deficient by zero pointfive (0.5) feet. Chapter 345-41 (H, J) Pools,Walkways, Distances, whichstates: An unobstructedwalk area of not less than 24inches wide shall be provided to extend entirely aroundpools below grade. Also, noportion of a pool, includingwalkways, pump, filters,showers, accessories, or poolwater disinfectants shall belocated at a distance lessthan five (5) feet from anyside or rear property lines orbuilding setback line. Existing pool pavers arelocated one point nine (1.9)feet from north propertyline, deficient by three pointone (3.1) feet, and zero pointone (0.1) feet to east property line deficient by fourpoint nine (4.9) feet. Case No. 4312 To considerthe variance application ofMr. Apolonio Arreaga, 235Jerusalem Avenue, Massapequa Park, NY 11762 tomaintain a side yard emergency escape rescue openingin violation of Village Code. Such proposal is in violationof Chapter 345-31 Rear and
Side Yards which states:Must maintain a five (5) footside yard setback. Existingemergency escape rescueopening is located in thewest side yard four pointzero two (4.02) feet fromwest property line, deficientby one point three (1.3) feet. Case No. 4313 To considerthe variance application ofMr. and Mrs. Steven Guido,165 Monroe Street, Massapequa Park, NY 11762 tomaintain a rear yard setbackto pavilion, and maintainpool pavers and lot coverageALL in violation of VillageCode. Such proposals are in violation of the following VillageCodes: Chapter 345-31 (A) Rearand Side yards which statesin part: Must maintain a 15foot rear yard setback to allstructures. Pavilion is located nine point seven (9.7)feet from north propertyline, deficient by five pointthree (5.3) feet. Chapter 345-41 (H, J) Pools,Walkways, Distances, whichstates: An unobstructedwalk area of not less than 24inches wide shall be provided to extend entirely aroundpools below grade. Also, noportion of a pool, includingwalkways, pump, filters,showers, accessories, or poolwater disinfectants shall belocated at a distance less
than five (5) feet from anyside or rear property lines orbuilding setback line. Existing pool pavers go rightup to fence line and at furthest location of pavers frompool a French drain has beeninstalled so that any waterwould get directed to poolsdrywell. Paver’s setback deficient by approximately five(5) feet. Chapter 345-28 (C) Lot andBuilding Area which states:In a residential district themaximum lot coverage permitted shall by 30%. Existing lot coverage is 35%, fivepercent (5%) greater thanallowed by code. Case No. 4314 To considerthe variance applicationof Ms. Kara Sullivan andMr. Rob Mallon, 228 SmithStreet, Massapequa Park,NY 11762 to erect a semi-inground pool, pool pavers,and maintain a wood storageshed and plastic shed ALLin violation of Village Code. Such proposals are in violation of the following VillageCodes: Chapter 345-41 (H, J) Pools,Walkways, Distances, whichstates: An unobstructedwalk area of not less than 24inches wide shall be provided to extend entirely aroundpools below grade. Also, noportion of a pool, includingwalkways, pump, filters,showers, accessories, or poolwater disinfectants shall belocated at a distance lessthan five (5) feet from anyside or rear property lines orbuilding setback line. Proposed semi-ingroundpool to be located in thesoutheast corner of yardand placed five (5) feet fromsouth and east property linesand provide a three (3) footwalkway and two (2) feet ofgreenery on both sides. Pooldeficient by two (2) feet onboth sides, walkway setbackdeficient by three (3) feet onboth sides. Chapter 345-43 (B) Shedswhich states in part: All
sheds on residential property shall be a minimum oftwo (2) feet from rear andeither side property lines. Plastic shed is located in thenortheast side yard southof fence gate approximatelyfour (4) inches from eastproperty line, deficient byapproximately 20 inches.Directly south of shed is asmall wood shed storingfirewood located approximately 11 inches from eastproperty line, deficient approximately 13 inches. Case No. 4315 To considerthe variance applicationof Mr. Joseph Anselmo,245 Eastlake Avenue, Massapequa Park, NY 11762 toremove, rebuild and expanda non permitted deck inthe second front yard andmaintain an oversized rearyard shed with deficient sideyard setback in violation ofVillage Code. Such proposals are in violation of the following VillageCodes: Chapter 345-30 (D2) Permitted Structures in FrontYards which states in part:Permits a front portico,porch, egress window welland a temporary storagecontainer. Existing non permitted deck to be takendown, rebuilt, and expandedin the second front yard andtherefore will be locatednine point two (9.2) feetfrom north property line,16.2 feet further north thanallowed by code. Chapter 345-43 (B, D) Shedswhich states: All sheds on aresidential property shall bea minimum of two (2) feetfrom rear and either sideproperty lines. A shed forthe purpose of this sectionis defined as a free-standingstructure of 120 square feetor less with no permanentconnection to any otherstructure. Existing shed is located onepoint four (1.4) feet fromsouth property line, deficient by zero point six (0.6)
feet. Existing shed is 169square feet, 49 square feetlarger than allowed by code. Case No. 4316 To considerthe variance application ofMs. Jennifer Carvalho, 101Monroe Street, MassapequaPark, NY 11762 to install abackup generator withoutthe required rear yard setback in violation of VillageCode. Such proposal is in violationof Chapter 345-31 (A) Rearand Side Yards which statesin part: Must maintain a 15foot rear yard setback to allstructures. Proposed generator to be installed five (5)feet from rear property line,deficient by 10 feet. By order of the ZoningBoard of Appeals March4, 2022 1X, 3/9/22, POST#526-22
MASSAPEQUA UNIONFREE SCHOOL DISTRICT 4925 MERRICK ROAD MASSAPEQUA, NY 11758 Annual Fire Inspection LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given thatthe annual fire inspectionfor 2022 of the ten (10)School Buildings, two (2)Libraries, (1) Bus Garage,and ancillary structuresof the Massapequa UnionFree School District, Townof Oyster Bay, Massapequa,NY, for fire hazards whichmight endanger the livesof students, teachers andemployees therein, has beencompleted and the reportthereof is available at the office of the District Clerk, Administration Building, 4925Merrick Road, Massapequa,NY 11758, for inspection byall interested persons. “ BY ORDER OF THEBOARD OF EDUCATION SCHOOL DISTRICTCLERK” 1X, 3/9/22, POST#525-22
FARMINGDALE UNIONFREE SCHOOL DISTRICT Farmingdale, NY NOTICE TO BIDDERS DESCRIPTION: UNIVERSAL PRE-KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM BY ACOMMUNITY BASEDORGANIZATION Sealed proposals will bereceived by the Board ofEducation, FarmingdaleUnion Free School District,Towns of Oyster Bay andBabylon, Nassau and SuffolkCounties, New York, at thePurchasing Office situatedin the Administrative Offices Building (entrance offof Grant Avenue) within
E. Howitt School, 50Van Cott Avenue, Farmingdale, New York 11735 until11:00 a.m. on March 23,2022 and then at said officepublicly opened and readaloud. If there is a schoolclosing the day of the bidopening due to inclementweather or an emergency,the bid opening will be onthe next business day theschool is open, at the sametime. All information forbidders may be obtainedat the above-mentionedaddress on any school dayfrom 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.The Board of Education,Farmingdale Union Free
School District, reserves theright to waive any informality in, or to reject any or allproposals, or to accept thatproposal, or any part of thatproposal, which in its judgment is for the best interestsof the School District. By Order: Board of Education Farmingdale Union FreeSchool District Farmingdale, New York11735 Towns of Oyster Bay andBabylon Nassau and Suffolk Counties, New York March 9, 2022 1X, 3/9/22, POST#524-22
Notice is hereby given thata license, number 1342981for beer, wine, cider andliquor has been applied forby the undersigned to sellbeer, wine, cider and liquorat retail in a Restaurant under the Alcoholic BeverageControl Law at 1048 OldCountry Rd. Plainview, NY11803, County of Nassau,for on premises consumption at Plainview Burger BarEnterprises Inc. 2X, 3/16/22, POST#527-22Weldon
Notice is hereby given thata license, number 1342971for beer, wine, cider andliquor has been applied forby the undersigned to sellbeer, wine, cider and liquorat retail in a Restaurant under the Alcoholic BeverageControl Law at 20 22 E. ParkAve. Long Beach, NY 11561,County of Nassau, for onpremises consumption at123Fed LLC. 2X, 3/9/22, POST#522-22
Notice of formation ofKidApproved LLC, a limited liability company. Article of Organization filedwith the Secretary of Stateof New York (SSNY) on1/13/2022. Office location:Nassau. SSNY has beendesignated for services ofprocess. SSNY shall mail acopy of any process servedagainst the LLC to: 1248 Rose Lane WantaghNY 11793. Purpose: Anylawful purpose 6X, 3/23/22, POST#514-22
Notice of formation of ZIOHOME LLC , a limited liability company. Article ofOrganization filed with theSecretary of State of NewYork (SSNY) on 01/11/2022Office location: Nassau.SSNY has been designated for service of process.SSNY shall mail a copy ofany process served againstthe LLC TO: 26 LouraeDrive, Massapequa Park,NY, 11762 Purpose: Anylawful purpose 6X, 3/9/22, POST#509-22
Notice of formationof DETECT HOMEINSPECTIONS, LLC, aLimited Liability Company.Article of Organization filedwith the Secretary of Stateof New York (SSNY) on1/26/2022. Office location:Nassau. SSNY has beendesignated for service ofprocess. SSNY shall mail acopy of any process servedagainst the LLC TO: 30 NNancy Pl., Massapequa, NY,11758-1913, USA. Purpose:Any lawful purpose. 6X, 3/16/22, POST#511-22
Notice of formation of MarkE. Moose (“LLC”). LimitedLiability Company Articlesof Organization filed withthe Secretary of State of NewYork (“SSNY”) on January24, 2022. Office location:307 N. Albany Avenue, N.Massapequa, New York.SSNY has been designatedas agent of the LLC uponwhom process against itmay be served. SSNY maymail a copy of any processto the LLC, 307 N. AlbanyAvenue, N. Massapequa,New York 11758. Purpose:Any lawful act under NewYork LLC Law. 6X, 3/9/22, POST#508-22
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