Jun. 8—An electric vehicle charging station powered by the sun's energy is expected to put the city of Piedmont on the cutting edge of solar technology in Calhoun County by the end of the summer.
To be built in the municipal parking lot behind City Hall, the station will take the form of a canopy that will allow several electric vehicles to be parked underneath and be connected to the current produced by the canopy's solar panels. The Alabama Municipal Electric Authority, which supplies Piedmont with electricity, will install and maintain the canopy at no cost to the city.
An AMEA representative recently approached city officials about the project, and showed them photos of canopies which have been installed in other cities. Mayor Bill Baker and council members agreed to it, especially given that installation and maintenance costs won't fall to them.
The AMEA supplies electricity to 11 cities in Alabama. It is based in Montgomery and has installed car-charging panels in ten other cities they serve. The authority's goal is to develop alternative forms of energy, including solar energy, to its member cities.
A check of other cities in Calhoun County revealed Piedmont will be the first to own a solar canopy. Jacksonville Mayor Johnny Smith said he wants to speak with Baker about the possibility of getting one. Oxford does have electric charging stations at Walmart and the Exchange, but no solar canopies are currently owned by Oxford.
Neither the cities of Weaver, Ohatchee or Anniston have a solar canopy or solar panels, although Anniston Mayor Jack Draper said there may be a project at McClellan that involves solar panels at some point.
As soon as Baker and the council members learned about the offer, they began helping the authority decide where to place it.
"At first we had difficulty in finding the right spot," Baker said. "We had to consider the angles of the sun and how much shade a place has. Finally, we decided on some spaces near a concrete island in the city parking lot behind City Hall."
The location seems like a good spot because it is away from the busiest part of the lot, and five or six vehicles can park beneath it. When in use, anyone needing a charge for their electric car may use the canopy for free, at least for the time being.
Construction on the solar canopy is set to begin soon and be completed by the end of the summer.
Piedmont, being a bike city with the Ladiga Trail running through it, gave Baker and his staff another idea. He asked for and received additional plug-ins to be added so riders of electric bikes could also use the canopy.
Arthur Bishop, the manager of transmission and distribution technology support with AMEA, said the solar project began in 2017 with the company. He said Piedmont's needs were similar to the needs AMEA had addressed in Fairhope.
"A lot of electric-vehicle owners map out the locations where they wish to travel," Bishop said. "We met a couple from Michigan recently who went to Dothan specifically because it had a solar panel that charged their vehicle. They spent the 30-45 minutes while it charged going into a restaurant there and having a meal. People go to these cities and see what else there is to do there, which means economic development for the AMEA cities. The panels are drawing people into our member cities."
Baker looks forward to the same thing happening in Piedmont.
"Soon, folks can come to our city, shop downtown and enjoy our area," Baker said "and they can spend some money within the city. It is win-win for us."
According to Africa-focused database The Big Deal, Africa was the only region to record three-digit growth in the first quarter of 2022, with venture funding up 150% to hit a record $1.8 billion.
Lawmakers want the Army to evaluate the possibility of running a pilot program examining how electric vehicles might operate on the battlefield at a training center, according to the House Armed Services Tactical Air and Land Subcommittee fiscal 2023 authorization bill mark.
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