A photovoltaic system, mobile in a container, and yet big enough to supply 40 households with electricity.Alumero from Seeham wants to score with this.The idea is simple: generate energy where you need it, even if it's only for a relatively short period of time.The implementation is already in the form of a prototype at the Alumero plant in Slovenska Bistrica in Slovenia."It's a normal 20-foot container that can be transported by truck," explains Alumero boss Manfred Rosenstatter.Together with partners from the photovoltaics industry, the aluminum specialist from Seeham has developed the mobile solar power plant "solarfold" and is also ...Read more if you want to know more Select an offer and read more Try it free for 30 days0.00 € Read all articles.Exclusive SN-Plus content from well-known SN editors The daily digital newspaper as an e-paper in the SN app Ends automatically Read more SN-Digital introductory offer €2.97* The first 3 months for just €0.99 per month.Exclusive SN-Plus content from well-known SN editors The daily digital newspaper as an e-paper in the SN app Can be canceled at any time after 3 months * Monthly price after 3 months: from €4.90 Order now Are you already a digital subscriber?person Register here Your 30-day test has already expired SN-Digital follow-up offer2.97 €* The first 3 months for only 0.99 euros per month.Exclusive SN-Plus content from well-known SN editors The daily digital newspaper as an e-paper in the SN app Can be canceled at any time after 3 months * Monthly price after 3 months: from €4.90 Order now Do you want a different offer?To the subscription overviewThe first 3 months for only 0.99 euros per month.The first 3 months for only 0.99 euros per month.Accessed on July 29, 2022 at 8:50 a.m. at https://www.sn.at/wirtschaft/oesterreich/mobil-im-container-salzburger-unternehmen-setz-auf-sonnenenergie-zum-aus Klappen-124290904