The following planning applications and appeals have been submitted to the Isle of Wight Council and can be viewed online at Alternatively, they can be viewed at Seaclose Offices, Fairlee Road, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 2QS.
Comments on the applications must be received within 21 days from the date of this press list.
Due to a required database move of the Council’s document management system, you will be unable to view documents and make comments for applications from approx. 07:30 to 17:00 on Monday 30th May 2022.
Application No: 22/00512/HOU Parish(es): Ventnor Ward(s): Ventnor And St Lawrence Location: 1 Southgrove Terrace Southgrove Road Ventnor Isle Of Wight PO38 1TN Proposal: Proposed single storey rear extension with roof lanterns (corrected address) (re-advertised).
Application No: 22/00652/FUL Parish(es): Fishbourne Ward(s): Binstead And Fishbourne Location:Cedar Cottage Cothey Butts Wootton Ryde Isle Of Wight PO33 4HD Proposal: Proposed replacement single storey dwelling with detached self-contained annex
Application No: 22/00664/FUL Parish(es): Godshill Ward(s): Central Rural Location: Little Sandford Farm Shanklin Road Godshill Isle Of Wight Proposal: Proposed unit of holiday accommodation with parking
Application No: 22/00672/FUL Parish(es): Arreton Ward(s): Central Rural Location: Broadfields Farm Chapel Lane Merstone Arreton Newport Isle Of Wight PO30 3DA Proposal: Full planning consent for: Retrospective infilling of a redundant farm irrigation pond; proposed development of two industrial buildings (one B8 (Storage or distribution) use, one B2 (General industrial) and B8 use); and proposed hardstanding and parking
Application No: 22/00678/FUL Parish(es): Cowes Ward(s): Cowes North Location: 48 High Street Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 7RR Proposal: Change of use from takeaway to cafe/restaurant (Class E) including use of garden for outside seating/eating area; installation of extraction system
Application No: 22/00687/FUL Parish(es):Ryde Ward(s): Ryde North West Location: 4B Spencer Road Ryde Isle Of Wight PO33 2NZ Proposal: Proposed retention of replacement windows
Application No: 22/00688/LBC Parish(es): Ryde Ward(s): Ryde North West Location: 4B Spencer Road Ryde Isle Of Wight PO33 2NZ Proposal: Listed Building Consent for proposed retention of replacement windows
Application No: 22/00699/HOU Parish(es): Totland Ward(s): Totland And Colwell Location: Middleton Cottage Middleton Freshwater Isle Of Wight PO40 9RW Proposal: Proposed oak framed car port with associated log storage
Application No: 22/00704/FUL Parish(es): Ventnor Ward(s): Ventnor And St Lawrence Location: 28D Madeira Road Ventnor Isle Of Wight PO38 1HW Proposal: Proposed French doors & juliet balcony
Application No: 22/00718/HOU Parish(es): Totland Ward(s): Totland And Colwell Location: Headon View Fort Warden Road Totland Totland Bay Isle Of Wight PO39 0DA Proposal: Proposed single storey rear extension; alteration of front window to bay window; porch
Application No: 22/00731/FUL Parish(es): Newchurch Ward(s): Newchurch Havenstreet And Ashey Location: Holliers Park Holliers Farm Arreton Isle Of Wight PO36 0AF Proposal: Change of use of train cars to cafe/diner/museum and seating area with raised platform for access and parking area.
Application No: 22/00733/FUL Parish(es): Godshill Ward(s): Central Rural Location: Land At Scotland Farm West Street Godshill Isle Of Wight Proposal: Demolition of Agricultural Building; Proposed Residential Development of 107 Dwellings or 102 Residential Dwellings and Doctors Surgery/Medical Centre; Proposed Means of Access from Yarborough Close and from West Street/Whitwell Road, Associated Highway Network Improvements, Public Rights of Way Improvements, Public Open Space, Associated Landscaping and Ancillary Infrastructure
Application No: 22/00746/HOU Parish(es): Chale Ward(s): Chale Niton And Shorwell Location: Selborne Pyle Shute Chale Ventnor Isle Of Wight PO38 2LE Proposal: Demolition of conservatory; proposed single storey front extension; front and rear porches; alterations to include new box bay window and cladding; proposed potting shed
Application No: 22/00766/LBC Parish(es):Yarmouth Ward(s): Freshwater North And Yarmouth Location: Tanners High Street Yarmouth Isle Of Wight PO41 0PN Proposal: Listed Building Consent for demolition and replacement of an existing single storey garden storage building (abuts a listed building Eremue Hall)
Application No: 22/00775/HOU Parish(es): Cowes Ward(s): Cowes North Location: 35 Granville Road Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 7JF Proposal: Alterations and conversion of garage to form home office
Application No: 22/00782/FUL Parish(es): Ryde Ward(s): Ryde North West Location: St James Church And Flat 4 Market Street Ryde Isle Of Wight PO33 2NG Proposal: Proposed alterations to include removal of ground floor pews to create a large multi-purpose meeting space; formation of a kitchenette, toilets, two offices and two group rooms at west end of Church; proposed extension to the residential apartment down to ground floor, forming a coffee drop-in area with café style kitchen, larger toilet facilities, new stairs and a lift to first floor where there will be three group rooms and an office; externally extending with a glazed entrance foyer, adding to and changing some of the windows and doors, installing a photovoltaic solar panel system and an air source heat pump system, generally redecorating the buildings.
Application No: 22/00783/LBC Parish(es):Ryde Ward(s): Ryde North West Location: St James Church And Flat 4 Market Street Ryde Isle Of Wight PO33 2NG Proposal: Listed Building Consent for proposed alterations to include removal of ground floor pews to create a large multi-purpose meeting space; formation of a kitchenette, toilets, two offices and two group rooms at west end of Church; proposed extension to the residential apartment down to ground floor, forming a coffee drop-in area with café style kitchen, larger toilet facilities, new stairs and a lift to first floor where there will be three group rooms and an office; externally extending with a glazed entrance foyer, adding to and changing some of the windows and doors, installing a photovoltaic solar panel system and an air source heat pump system, generally redecorating the buildings.
Application No: 22/00792/HOU Parish(es): Northwood Ward(s): Cowes South And Northwood Location: 3 Warren Point Northwood Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8QR Proposal: Proposed balcony at first floor level over existing single storey extension
Application No: 22/00796/HOU Parish(es): Cowes Ward(s): Cowes West And Gurnard Location: 1 Brambles Lane Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8DR Proposal: Demolition of existing single storey rear extension; proposed replacement single storey rear extension; alterations to external elevations materials and new detached single storey garage.
Application No: 22/00797/FUL Parish(es):Cowes Ward(s): Cowes Medina Location: 66 Stephenson Road Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 7PR Proposal: Proposed outbuilding forming shed/workshop and recreation/gaming room
Application No:22/00801/HOU Parish(es): Ryde Ward(s): Ryde North West Location: 4 Nelson Place Ryde Isle Of Wight PO33 2ET Proposal: Replacement windows
Application No: 22/00802/HOU Parish(es): Lake Ward(s):Lake South Location: 12 Merrie Gardens Lake Sandown Isle Of Wight PO36 9QE Proposal: Proposed roof extension to provide two bedrooms and a bathroom in the loft space.
Application No: 22/00804/CLEUD Parish(es):Ventnor Ward(s): Ventnor And St Lawrence Location: 56 South Street Ventnor Isle Of Wight PO38 1NG Proposal: Lawful Development certificate for existing balcony
Application No:22/00807/FUL Parish(es): Gurnard Ward(s): Cowes West And Gurnard Location: 44 Worsley Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight Proposal: Proposed construction of 4 semi-detached houses & 2 detached chalet bungalows with associated vehicular accesses, parking and landscaping (revised scheme) (revised plan)
Application No: 22/00816/FUL Parish(es):Newport & Carisbrooke Community Council Ward(s): Newport Central Location: 7 – 8 Holyrood Street NewportIsle Of Wight PO30 5AU Proposal: Proposed rear extension and alterations to form additional dwelling at first floor level and attic
Application No: 22/00818/ARM Parish(es): Ryde Ward(s): Haylands And Swanmore Location: 30 Upton Road RydeIsle Of Wight PO33 3HE Proposal: Approval of reserved matters on P/00291/19 for landscaping
Application No: 22/00820/RVC Parish(es): Cowes Ward(s): Cowes Medina Location: 5 Tides Reach Birmingham Road Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 7NU Proposal: Variation of condition 2 on 21/01116/FUL to allow alterations to design of dormers on South elevation
Application No: 22/00822/FUL Parish(es): Ventnor Ward(s): Ventnor And St Lawrence Location: Lisle Combe Cottage Undercliff Drive Niton Ventnor Isle Of Wight PO38 1UW Proposal: Conversion and extension of outbuilding to provide holiday accommodation.
Application No: 22/00825/HOU Parish(es): Cowes Ward(s): Cowes Medina Location: 7 Bellevue Road Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 7HN Proposal: Proposed two storey side extension and alterations
Application No: 22/00833/LBC Parish(es): Brighstone Ward(s): Brighstone Calbourne And Shalfleet Location: Brookside Cottage Main Road Brighstone Newport Isle Of Wight PO30 4DJ Proposal: Listed Building Consent for proposed replacement oil fired boiler and flue
Application No: 22/00837/FUL Parish(es):Nettlestone And Seaview Ward(s): Nettlestone And Seaview Location: Seagrove Recreation Ground Seagrove Manor Road Seaview Isle Of Wight Proposal: Retention of building as constructed
Application No: 22/00844/HOU Parish(es):Ventnor Ward(s): Ventnor And St Lawrence Location: Sea Gem Esplanade RoadVentnor Isle Of Wight PO38 1JL Proposal: Proposed Balcony structure to the rear of property (Revised Scheme)
Application No: 22/00846/HOU Parish(es): Newport & Carisbrooke Community Council Ward(s): Mountjoy And Shide Location: Rosswood 8 Cypress Road Newport Isle Of Wight PO30 1EY Proposal: Proposed alterations and single storey rear extension
Application No: 22/00851/HOU Parish(es):Gurnard Ward(s): Cowes West And Gurnard Location: 63 Marsh Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8JQ Proposal: Proposed first floor extension & glazed link
Application No: 22/00733/FUL Parish(es): Godshill Ward(s): Central Rural Location: Land At Scotland Farm West StreetGodshill Isle Of Wight Proposal: Demolition of Agricultural Building; Proposed Residential Development of 107 Dwellings or 102 Residential Dwellings and Doctors Surgery/Medical Centre; Proposed Means of Access from Yarborough Close and from West Street/Whitwell Road, Associated Highway Network Improvements, Public Rights of Way Improvements, Public Open Space, Associated Landscaping and Ancillary Infrastructure
Application No: 21/01142/FUL Appeal No: 21/00069/REF Planning Inspectorate Ref: APP/P2114/W/21/3287940 Parish(es): Cowes Ward: Cowes West and Gurnard Location: 9 Hilton Road, Gurnard, PO31 8JB Proposal: Proposed detached dwelling (revised scheme)
Application No: 22/00224/HOU Appeal No: 22/00012/REF Planning Inspectorate Ref: APP/P2114/D/22/3297915 Parish(es): Ventnor Ward: Wroxall Lowtherville And Bonchurch Location: Friston, Bonchurch Shute, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, PO38 1NX Proposal: Proposed first floor extension (Revised scheme)
Application No: 20/00530/FUL Appeal No: 21/00075/REF Planning Inspectorate Ref: APP/P2114/W/21/3290005 Parish(es): Bembridge Ward: Bembridge Location: Land adjacent to 1 Swains End, Swains Road, Bembridge, Isle of Wight Proposal: Proposed dwelling (revised scheme)(tree and ecology information available)(readvertised application)
Application No: 21/01442/OUT Appeal No: 22/0004/REF Planning Inspectorate Ref: APP/P2114/W/22/3292006 Parish(es): Gurnard Ward: Cowes West and Gurnard Location: Land to north of Gurnard Farm, 4 Cockleton Lane, Gurnard, Isle of Wight Proposal: Outline for seven new residential dwellings with access and layout being considered (revised scheme)
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