Check in to the hotel.
Walk forward and talk to the person and the front desk. Hellen Gravely will welcome you and see you to your rooms on the 5th floor.
You can explore but there isn’t much of a point as you’ll revisit this floor later. Walk up to the bed and go to sleep.
Go into Mario’s room (room 502) and go into Peach’s room (room 501). You can explore but without your poltergust vacuum, it’s pretty pointless. Once you’ve been in both of these rooms, head to the elevator which just ominously opened…You’ll see Hellen Gravely and realize this vacation may not be what it was cracked up to be.
Run from King Boo! Be sure to watch out for the luggage and other obstacles crowding the hallway. When you get to the end there will be a laundry chute. Jump down it (by pressing X once you’re close enough). You’ve escaped and now your adventure can begin.
Keep running down th ehall while King Boo throws things at you. Interact with the chute at the end of the hall to get away.
Find the poltergust. It's in the parking garage in the basement. Exit the laundry room you landed in by going to the right of the room and exiting the door. You’ll notice polterpup is already leading you in the correct direction. The garage is the first door you’ll see once you’re moving through the hallway. It has a picture of a car to the right of the door.
Wah hoo! Find the poltergust in the car in the right of the garage.
Once you’re in the garage, walk to the right until you see the car. You’ll hear something rattling in the front. Interact with it and you’ll find what you need.
Follow the tutorial directions. Press every button Polterpup asks you to press. If you ever have a hard time clearing one of the tutorial steps (ex. Blowing a gust of air at the Polterpup) step a bit closer to this adorable ghost dog. Also, be sure you’re pressing the buttons long enough.
Basement Gem #1 Vacuum the sheet off the truck to reveal that its trunk has a blinking green light.
Vacuum off the cover of this car and flash the strobulb light.
Flash the blinking green light with your Strobulb to open the trunk and reveal the gem inside.
Exit the garage. It’s the same door you came from, just look for the door and arrow painted on the floor.
Continue to the right and you’ll see a locked up door with a device attached to it. Use your strobulb (flashlight) to activate the device on the door, removing the locks. Note: you can always use your strobulb on these kind of blinking lights.
Flash the strobulb on this light to open the door.
Go up the stairs. A trash can will be blocking your way but use the burst move (ZR + ZL) to destroy it. You’ll see a few gems but you can’t actually get them yet. Enter the door at the top of the staircase and keep moving left. You’ll enter the Grand Lobby and encounter your first ghosts.
Stun the ghosts with your strobulb.
Once the ghosts are stunned, suck them up (ZR). Make sure you’re close enough to the ghosts to actually vacuum them. You’ll know you’re actually vacuuming them when you see their numbers go down.
Capturing ghosts means slamming them into oblivion.
Once they’re actually being vacuumed pull the joystick in the opposite direction until the circle fills up.
When the circle is full press A, as prompted, over and over again to Slam the ghosts. Try slamming a ghost into another ghost.
You can also totally vacuum multiple ghosts at the same time! For more combat tips be sure to check out our Tips and Tricks page.
You’ll know all the ghosts are captured when the music settles, the lights come back on, and the purple ghostly barricades have vanished.
Polterpup will let you know that you need to go to the second floor BUT the door up there requires a key. It’s located behind the front desk.
Walk up to the front desk and use Burst (ZL + ZR) to open the flap, allowing you to enter the area.
After getting behind the clerk's desk, walk to the gold key on the left to interact with it.
Walk directly up to the key (you’ll be prompted to press X) and pick it up.
Go behind the hotel clerk's desk. Flash the strobulb light to the left and the gem will fall out onto the desk.
Flash the blinking green light on the right side, of this area behind the desk, to move the mail slots and reveal the purple gem. This is the first gem you can get in the game but it’s gem number 5 in the Grand Lobby (Fl 1).
Go up the stairs and head through the door using your fancy new key.
Vacuum the chandelier and a panel will move, revealing a hidden area.
Vacuum the chandelier in the room with E. Gadd's portrait. This will open a secret wall to the left, and the gem will be on the table.
Enter the newly revealed area for another gem.
Walk directly up to the painting of E.Gadd and a very short cinematic will play.
Head through the door on the left; it’s what polterpup wants.
Next, you’ll need to go through the metal door straight ahead. Polterpup is already there. Unfortunately, that door requires a key.
Head down the hall, to the right, and enter the next door you see. You’ll end up in a powder room/dressing room. Walk to the right of that room. Notice what's in the mirror. Face the direction of the in-game camera (i.e have your back towards the mirror) as flash the Strobulb to activate the blinking light on the wall. This will open up what's on the wall and reveal the key you need.
Go to the very right of the room and flash the strobulb light. The key will come out of the painting behind Luigi.
Suck up the purple coat hanging on the left closet.
Vacuum up and pull this purple coat in the same room you get the golden key to reveal a safe. Flash the safe with the strobulb to get the gem.
Use your strobulb to open the safe.
A gem will pop out of the safe.
Enter the metal door. Use the strobulb to flash the safe. Inside the safe is the Dark Light.
Flash this safe with the strobulb to get the dark light.
Follow the tutorial from Polterpup and use the Dark Light to flash the painting of coins, making the coins real.
Head back to the area with E.Gadd’s painting. Flash the Dark Light on the painting to bring E.Gadd back to life.
Exit the door leading back to the Main Lobby. And head to the elevator. Remember, you can use the Burst move to move the trash can out of the way.
Enter the elevator and face the buttons. Press X to select a floor. Go to B1 with professor E.Gadd.
Shine your dark light on this painting in the service hallway and the gem will pop out.
Before you reach the garage, notice the painting of the gem on the wall. Shine the Dark Light onto it so that the gem will pop out of the painting. Enter the garage and you’ll encounter your first boss.
Knock the suitcases out of the ghosts hands with a burst move to stun and capture him.