A homeless man has been charged with attempted criminal homicide after a verbal altercation at McMinnville Inn allegedly turned violent.
Aaron Chad Gregg, 45, reportedly went to room 107 at the McMinnville Inn on Sept. 17 and, according to arresting officer McMinnville Police detective Katelyn Cannon, Gregg “got into a verbal altercation with Anthony Roberts in the doorway of room 107. Aaron pulls out what appears to be a knife and goes into Anthony’s room. While Aaron was inside the room, Anthony was stabbed several times.”
Cannon said, “Gregg has been living at the McMinnville Inn but recently lost his room and had to move out back behind the hotel.”
According to Cannon, there is video of Gregg walking to the hotel room with a knife in hand and him walking out of the room later with the knife still in hand. After the incident, Gregg allegedly walked to E.R. for a cut on his hand.
Gregg and Roberts allegedly knew each other before the incident occurred.
Roberts survived and suffered two stab wounds to his left side and a lacerated lung. He is recovering and is said to be released from the hospital this week, said Cannon.
At the time of this incident, Gregg was out on bond for theft and burglary charges involving a stolen chainsaw. On Sept. 1, Gregg allegedly entered a carport of a home on Bethany Road and “took a chainsaw without permission from the building at the end of the carport.” The incident was caught on a home surveillance camera.
Warren County Sheriff’s deputy Calvin Hammond made contact with Gregg at McMinnville Inn where Gregg reportedly admitted to taking the chainsaw. He was arrested, charged and made bail.
Gregg’s court date for the burglary and theft charges were postponed until November.
For this latest charge of attempted criminal homicide, Gregg’s bond has been set at $200,000 bond and his court date has been reset to October.