Worthing park assault: Alan Willson's wife distraught to discover one his attackers could be out of prison this month
PICTURES: Collision shuts road in Hastings
BI/22/01159/DOM: Rustic, Main Road. Siting of a static caravan in the rear garden to be used as ancillary accommodation.
BI/22/01905/DOM: Birdham Straight House, Main Road. Demolition of existing single storey extensions and garages. Erection of replacement single storey extensions and single garage with drive and parking spaces.
BI/22/01925/DOM: Danesacre, Lock Lane. Single storey rear/side extension, re-cladding of property, alterations and additions to fenestration, replacement porch, addition of solar panels and external landscaping works.
BO/22/01909/FUL: Wildfowlers, Shore Road. Demolition of existing dwelling, erection of replacement dwelling and associated landscaping.
BO/22/02015/TPA: Broadbridge Mill, Old Bridge Road. Reduce height by 4m and laterals by 3m (back to previous pruning points) on 1 no. Monterey Cypress tree (T12) subject to BO/89/00064/TPO.
SDNP/22/03675/HOUS: Saddlers, Church Lane. Erection of single-storey extension to the south-east corner of Saddlers and minor internal alterations. Replacement of fenestration to modern parts of the house. Demolition of the existing garage and erection of a new oak framed garage.
SDNP/22/03676/LIS: Saddlers, Church Lane. Erection of single-storey extension to the south-east corner of Saddlers and minor internal alterations. Replacement of fenestration to modern parts of the house. Demolition of the existing garage and erection of a new oak framed garage.
CC/22/01417/DOM: 5 March Square. Proposed rear conservatory.
CC/22/01807/FUL: Graylingwell Hospital, College Lane. Alteration to plot 880 approved under planning permission ref CC/21/02838/REM including relocation of dwelling and garage.
CC/22/01873/DOM: 124 Bognor Road. Proposed pitched roof and extension to existing outbuilding.
CC/22/01945/ADV: Former Graylingwell Hospital, College Lane. Erection of 2 no. pole mounted welcome signs.
CC/22/02025/TPA: 15 Broyle Close. Crown reduce back to previous pruning points/knuckles on 1 no. Norway Maple tree (T1) subject to CC/10/00171/TPO.
CC/22/02050/DOM: Pallant Court, 10 West Pallant. Internal alterations at ground floor including new floor finishes, 1st floor formation of new master bedroom suite and at 2nd floor formation of 2 bedroom suites.
CC/22/02051/LBC: Pallant Court, 10 West Pallant. Internal alterations at ground floor including new floor finishes, 1st floor formation of new master bedroom suite and at 2nd floor formation of 2 bedroom suites.
CC/22/02052/ADV: 71-72 East Street. 2 no. non-illuminated fascia signs.
CH/22/01912/DOM: The Bungalow, Main Road, Chidham. Proposed single storey side extension and alterations.
CH/22/01929/FUL: Woodlands, Drift Lane, Chidham. Replacement dwelling and associated landscaping. (Variation of conditons 2 and 4 of permission 19/02643/FUL - amended design and materials).
CH/22/02032/EIA: Land At Coxes Farm, Broad Road, Hambrook. EIA Screening Opinion for the proposed development comprising approximately 185 dwellings with associated open space, roads/cycleways and pedestrian footpaths, farm shop and work hub commercial centre with car parking, landscaping, and wildlife corridor on land at Coxes Farm Broad Road Hambrook.
D/22/01644/FUL: Land Adjacent To Rosemead, 24 Queens Avenue. Change of use from open scrubland area to fenced parking/bin and garden storage area.
D/22/01829/DOM: 10 Graydon Avenue. Proposed two-storey side and rear extensions with associated alterations.
SDNP/22/02982/FUL: Rickyard Stables, A272 Easebourne St to Heath End Lane. Change of use and conversion of former stables to office/reception area and cycle storage/electric charging for use in connection with tourism development approved under SDNP/21/06365/CND). Toilets to remain.
SDNP/22/03488/HOUS: North Mill, North Street, Midhurst. Change use and extension of outbuilding to home office and associated alterations. Replacement and relocation of gates and associated walls.
SDNP/22/03489/LIS: North Mill, North Street, Midhurst. Change use and extension of outbuilding to home office and associated alterations. Replacement and relocation of gates and associated walls.
EWB/22/02035/FUL: Land South Of Tranjoeen, 1 The Paddock, Bracklesham Lane, Bracklesham. Proposed vehicle crossover (means of access to a highway Class B).
SDNP/22/03257/HOUS: The White House, The Green. Erection of a timber summer house.
SDNP/22/03433/HOUS: Meadow Cottage, Hawksfold Lane East. Proposed two storey side extension replacing existing single storey ground floor side extension and outbuildings.
SDNP/22/03182/HOUS: 7 Coates Castle, Coates Lane. Proposal to place solar panels on roof and 1 no. electric vehicle charging point on front elevation wall.
SDNP/22/03743/BBPN: St Marys Cottage, St Marys Drive. Notification under the Electronic Communications Code Regulation 5 for the installation of 1 no 9m pole.
HN/22/02011/DOM: Moat Lodge, Church Lane. Installation of a solar photovoltaic panel array on the south-west roof slope.
HN/22/02012/LBC: Moat Lodge, Church Lane. Installation of a solar photovoltaic panel array on the south-west roof slope.
SDNP/22/03495/HOUS: The Old Coach House, Hawkhurst Court. Erection of close board fencing above existing 11m long low stone wall to the side of house. Replacement of existing side metal gate with wood gate.
LX/22/02036/ELD: Four Houses, Guildford Road. Existing lawful development use of building as a dwellinghouse.
SDNP/22/03704/BBPN: Land at Hammer Hill to Linchmere Road. Regulation 5 notice for BT installed 2 no. fixed line broadband electronic communications apparatus.
SDNP/22/03242/HOUS: Millbrook, Milland Lane. Cladding to external facade, 1 no. window east elevation, 1 no. door to side elevation. replacement of UPVC with Oak frame to porch.
SDNP/22/03477/HOUS: 12 South Grove. Replacement rear conservatory with single storey extension. Replacement front porch.
PS/22/01645/COU: Little Springfield Farm, Plaistow Road, Ifold. Change use of paddock to garden land associated with Little Springfield Farm.
SY/22/01667/PLD: Clare Cottage, 23 Seal Road. Single storey rear extension to replace existing conservatory. Enlarge existing rear dormer.
SY/22/01731/DOM: 7 Bonnar Road. Change of loft space to habitable accommodation.
SY/22/01846/DOM: 24 Beach Road. Front single storey extension with a balcony, rear double storey extension.
SY/22/01911/PLD: Nelcroft, 33 St Itha Road. Replace existing conservatory roof with permanent structure.
SY/22/02090/DOM: 36 Fontwell Road. New garage to front of property.
SI/22/01830/DOM: Little Bower, Rotten Row. Proposed double garage - alternative design and siting to that approved under SI/20/03007/DOM (Variation of condition 4 of permission 22/00877/DOM - changes to materials).
SI/22/01930/ELD: Landseer House, 13 Cow Lane. Use of outbuilding as a separate dwellinghouse along with associated residential curtilage.
SDNP/22/03311/HOUS: Oakdene, Foxhall, Charlton. Proposed conservatory, conversion of garage to study.
SB/22/02061/EIA: Land North Of Penny Lane, Hermitage. Request for an EIA Screening Opinion in relation to proposed residential development of 85 no. dwelling units and associated hard and soft landscape scheme.
TG/22/01897/DOM: 2 Church Farm House, Church Lane. Proposed conversion of existing outbuilding to ancillary accommodation (annex) to main dwelling.
TG/22/01898/LBC: 2 Church Farm House, Church Lane. Proposed conversion of existing outbuilding to ancillary accommodation (annex) to main dwelling.
SDNP/22/03549/HOUS: Nuthatch, Upperton Road. Demolition of the existing single-storey rear extension and detached prefabricated garage. Replacement with a part two-storey and part single-storey rear extensions together with associated internal and external alterations including the reinstatement of a ground floor window on front elevation.
SDNP/22/03528/HOUS: 10 Mill Lane, Dumpford, Trotton. Proposed two storey side extension to replace single storey lean to. Alterations to existing site access for new level parking.
WI/22/01928/FUL: Pucks Cottage, Itchenor Road. Erection of a replacement dwelling and garage following the demolition of existing dwelling and garage.
WE/22/01887/COU: Manor House, Woodmancote Lane, Woodmancote. Change of use of an existing former stable to a two storey two bedroom dwelling (Variation of condition 4 from planning permission WE/04/00453/COU - To include holiday use).
WE/22/02026/DOM: Lazy Meadow, North Street. Demolition of existing garage construction of single storey side extension with conversion of roof to habitable space with dormers. Constriction of part 2 storey rear and front extension and part replacement of front boundary wall. Replacement of fascia's soffits windows and doors with all external walls rendered and new roof tiles.
WH/22/01952/DOM: Kintail Lodge, Claypit Lane. Retrospective annex to main building.
WH/22/01995/FUL: Rolls Royce Motor Cars, The Drive. Replacement of 2 no. existing car parking spaces (with electric vehicle charging) with 6 no. electric vehicle charging points and visitor car parking spaces, the erection of a canopy and associated works including landscaping.
WR/22/01851/DOM: Fernlea, Kirdford Road. Double storey rear extension to replace conservatory and partial garage conversion.
WR/22/02037/PNO: Wharf Farm, Newpound. Proposed haylage storage.
SDNP/22/03482/HOUS: Tyelands, Severals Road, Bepton. Installation of ground mounted solar panels in 2 groups of 10 panels (total of 20).