Section of Eastbourne's Golden Jubilee Way closed
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AL/64/22/HH: Three Greens, Level Mare Lane, Fontwell. Single storey side, rear and front extension, revised fenestration, solar thermal and photovoltaics to the southern roof slope and revised surface to existing tennis court.
AW/133/22/HH: 15 The Fairway. Erection of single storey side extension including separate porch following demolition of existing side extension. This application may affect the character and appearance of the Aldwick Bay Conservation Area.
AW/132/22/HH: 6 The Pound. Single storey rear extension.
AW/134/22/HH: 40 Barrack Lane. Erection of part two storey, part single storey side extension, detached garage with side store and replacement front porch.
AW/136/22/HH: 8 St Richards Drive. Erection of two storey side extension, single storey rear extension, first floor front extension with juliet balcony, installation of front porch, increase main roof ridge height, new pitched roof over existing dormer and alterations to fenestration/openings.
A/104/22/PL: Worthing Rugby Club, Roundstone Lane. Replace existing roof with mono-pitch roof and associated works. This application is in CIL Zone 2 (Zero rated) as other development.
A/105/22/HH: 14 Merryfield Crescent. Single Storey Front infill Extension.
AB/61/22/HH: Mews House, London Road. Conversion of loft to habitable use including installation of 3 x dormers and rear juliette balcony, addition of rendering, and alterations to fenestration/openings. This application may affect the character and appearance of the Arundel Conservation Area and affects the setting of a listed building.
AB/62/22/L: Mews House, London Road. Conversion of loft to habitable use including installation of 3 x dormers and rear juliette balcony, addition of rendering, and alterations to fenestration/openings. This application may affect the character and appearance of the Arundel Conservation Area and affects the setting of a listed building.
BN/68/22/PL: Land adjacent to Wayside, Eastergate Lane, Eastergate. Erection of 4 x 4 bedroom houses. This application is a Departure from the Development Plan and is in CIL Zone 3 and is CIL Liable as new dwellings.
BE/50/22/PL: Blackberry House, Berry Lane. Variation of condition following the grant of BE/13/20/PL relating to condition 2-plans condition.
BR/63/22/PL: Salisbury House, The Steyne. Change of use of 5 No self-contained flats for adults with learning difficulties to 5 No self-contained flats and formation of 5 No further flats from HMO rooms, garage and office, repairs and decoration of external surfaces, minor alterations to elevation facing Sadler Street, change one window facing rear courtyard to French doors & apply obscure film to 2 windows in courtyard area. This application affects the setting of listed buildings, affects the character & appearance of The Steyne Conservation Area and is in CIL Zone 4 (Zero Rated) as flats.
BR/91/22/PL: 32 Richmond Avenue. Changing a current HMO from 6 persons to 9 persons.
CM/24/22/PL: Plot 9 Scyld, Horsemere Green Lane. Single storey side extension. This site is in CIL Zone 3 and is Zero Rated.
EP/55/22/PL: 4 Beechlands Cottages, Beechlands Close. Variation of condition imposed under EP/41/17/PL relating to condition 2-approved plans.
EP/57/22/HH: 1 Saxon Close. Demolition of garage and erection of two single storey extensions.
FG/83/22/HH: 5 East Mead. Installation of rear roof terrace and external staircase.
FP/59/22/HH: Beach House, Havelock Close. Erection of single storey side and rear extension, installation of front lower level wall and external alterations including rendering and cladding following the demolition of existing front wall, side porch and rear conservatory.
FP/81/22/HH: 59 Roundle Avenue. Replace existing poly-carbonate front garden room roof form a new pitched roof to the garden room and cover using conventional roof tiles.
FP/82/22/HH: 31 Lindsey Court. Single storey rear extension.
K/19/22/HH: Flint Barn, Peak Lane. Conversion of hobby room/gym into a one bedroom self contained annex. The building will not be physically increased in size or height. The proposal will see 2 existing single glazed wooden framed windows approximately 1000mm x 1000mm in size, on the West elevation being replaced by a single UPVC glazed door and UPVC window measuring 1100mm x 1800mm. Whilst maintaining some of it's current uses this will also allow the space to be used as a temporary dwelling, for use as an extension to the main house, by extended family and friends. The converted space will consist of a sitting room/kitchenette, bedroom and shower room.
LU/206/21/RES: Phase 5, Hampton Park, Toddington Lane. Readvertisement due to revised plans being received. Approval of reserved matters following outline consent LU/47/11/ for the development of 261 No. dwellings, the formation of green swale (SuDs feature) and the construction of part of the Central Spine Road running through Phase 5 at Hampton Park and southwards to link up with Toddington Lane. This site is in CIL zone SP2 and is not CIL Liable as strategic site.
LU/369/21/RES: Central Wetland Area, Hampton Park, Toddington Lane. Readvertisement due to revised plans being received. Approval of reserved matters following outline consent LU/47/11/ (amended under LU/182/15/PL) for the formation of the Central Wetland Area and the construction of the Central Spine Road running across the Central Wetland area, linking up Phase 5 and Phase 2B (also known as Phase 4). This site is in CiL Zone SP2 and is not CIL Liable as strategic site.
M/54/22/HH: Clover Cottage, 105 Middleton Road. Erection of detached ancillary annexe to front.
P/82/22/PL: Church Farm Holiday Village, Church Lane. Retention of existing AHU. This application may affect a listed building and is in CIL Zone 4 (Zero Rated) as other development.
P/80/22/T: 25 Manor Park. Fell 1 No. Norway Maple tree.
P/86/22/HH: Rose Cottage, Priors Waye. Single storey front extension, following demolition of existing swimming pool.
R/108/22/HH: 62 Milton Avenue. Erection of single storey rear extension.
WA/50/22/PL: Oak Bank, Wandleys Lane. 1 No 4 bed dwelling with detached garage and associated parking (resubmission following WA/8/22/PL). This application is a Departure from the Development Plan and is in CIL Zone 3 and is CIL Liable as a new dwelling.
WA/54/22/PO: Land East of Tye Lane. Application to negotiate a Deed of Variation to modify Schedule 11 and 12 of the Section 106 dated 1st November 2017 linked to planning permission WA/44/17/OUT in relation to the trigger for completion of the National Highway Agreement(s).
WA/48/22/HH: Kelsey, Eastergate Lane. Installation of a front entrance porch and covered way, single storey rear extension, two storey pitch roof side extension, conversion of roofspace to habitable use with gable end roof, detached carport and a detached summer house to rear.
WA/58/22/CLE: Lazy W, Yapton Lane. Lawful development certificate for the existing use of the land for the processing of logs and the erection of 2 No buildings used in connection with that activity.
WA/59/22/CLE: Lazy W, Yapton Lane. Lawful development certificate for the existing change of use of land and siting of a porta building all in connection with activities associated with Yapton Free Church.
Y/63/22/HH: 53b Charles Square, Cinders Lane. Erection of single storey rear conservatory.