In the Project of the week section, Solar Magazine pays weekly attention to a special solar energy project.This week the second largest solar panel installation in Flanders, can be found at aperam in Genk.aperam is one of the largest producers of stainless steel in the world.The company – owned by the Mittal family and headquartered in Luxembourg – has 6 factories in Belgium, France and Brazil.Land, roof and carport After an extensive market analysis, aperam decided last year to assign the execution of the entire project to Perpetum Energy, which is located in Sint-Denijs-Westrem near Ghent.Perpetum Energy is a family business and one of the fastest growing Belgian companies specialized in the development, construction and operation of sustainable energy projects.The company's focus in all of this is on tailor-made solutions for industrial customers.In the past 15 years, it realized more than 2,000 projects spread over 6 countries.At aperam, Perpetum Energy has realized a solar roof as well as 2 ground-based solar parks and 2 solar carports.In total, they are equipped with about 50,000 solar panels (ed. see box).aperam will use at least 97 percent of the electricity generated directly for its production activities in Genk.Aperam's solar panels in numbersSolar panel manufacturer: LONGi SolarFeatures of solar panels: the solar panels have a capacity of 450 watt peak each and are each equipped with 144 halved monocrystalline silicon solar cells.The annual yield of the solar panels is 20.3 gigawatt hours.Details: the 50,273 solar panels are divided over 2 ground-based solar parks of 3.5 and 3.8 megawatt peak respectively, 2 solar carports of 0.6 and 4.6 megawatt peak and finally 10.1 megawatt peak on the factory roofs.Seven transformer stations have been installed for the project and 97 charging points for electric cars have also been installed.aperam is one of the largest industrial energy consumers in Belgium.The installation of the solar panels results in 7,300 tons of avoided CO2 emissions, which is equivalent to the emissions of around 5,900 households.Gert Heylen, chief executive officer of aperam Genk, about this: 'Our important climate ambition is to become CO2 neutral by 2050. These solar panels are an important step in the right direction.'Minister Jetten reports that the phasing out of the netting scheme will be postponed for another year, namely until January 1, 2025. From that calendar year, the owners of solar panels will receive less benefit at an accelerated rate.Grid operator Liander has reported 14 new bottlenecks in its biweekly update on the available grid capacity.Five bottlenecks concern capacity problems for the return of solar energy.JA Solar has launched a new solar panel: DeepBlue 4.0 X with a capacity of up to 625 watt peak.The new product offering marks the company's first entry into the n-type solar panel market.The website of Solar Magazine, part of Dé Duurzaam Uitgeverij, uses functional and analytical cookies.This form of cookies has no impact on your privacy.Read the cookie policy here.