The subcommittee meeting is holding a virtual hearing on Thursday, June 16, 2022, at 5 p.m.
Please be advised of the following appeals to be heard on June 16, 2022, beginning at 5 p.m. and related announcements. All matters listed on this June 16, 2022, hearing agenda have been noticed in accordance with the enabling act.
Please be advised of the following participation instructions: the June 16, 2022, hearing will be held virtually via video teleconference and telephone via the zoom webinar event platform.
Interested persons can participate in the hearing REMOTELY by going to our online meeting. You may also participate by phone by calling into the Zoom Webinar at 312-626-6799 and entering the Webinar ID: 977 9540 4707 followed by # when prompted.
If you wish to offer testimony on an appeal, please sign up online. Please provide your name, address, the address and/or BOA number of the appeal on which you wish to speak, and if you wish to speak in support of or opposition to the project.
For individuals who need translation assistance, please notify the Board at least 48 HOURS in advance either by signing up online or calling 617-635-4775 or emailing
The ZBA Ambassador will be available within the Zoom Webinar Event from 4 - 5 p.m. to answer questions about ZBA procedures and offer instructions on how to participate in the hearing via Zoom. Questions and/or concerns can also be emailed to the ZBA Ambassador at
If you wish to offer comment within the meeting platform, please use the “Raise Hand” function that should appear on the bottom of your screen, if connected by computer or device, or dial *9, if connected by phone. On a computer or device, you will receive a request to unmute yourself from the event host. You must select yes before you can speak. On a phone, you will hear a prompt that the event host is asking you to unmute yourself. You must press *6 to unmute yourself before you can speak. Commenters will be asked to state their name, address and comment. Comments will be limited as time requires.
If you wish to offer testimony on an appeal, please log in to the hearing no later than 4 p.m. to ensure your connection is properly functioning.
The hearing can also be viewed via livestream on the City’s website. Closed captioning is available.
Interested persons who are unable to participate in the hearing remotely may make an appointment to appear in person at 1010 Massachusetts Avenue. Please notify the Board at least 48 HOURS in advance either by calling 617-635-4775 or emailing for accommodations to be made. Individuals appearing at 1010 Massachusetts Avenue without an appointment will not be permitted to enter.
Members of the community are strongly encouraged to help facilitate the virtual hearing process by emailing letters in support of or opposition to an appeal to in lieu of offering testimony online or from BPDA board room. It is strongly encouraged that written comments be submitted to the board at least 48 hours prior to the hearing. When doing so, please include in the subject line the BOA number, the address of the proposed project and the date of the hearing.
Case: BOA-1276140 Address: 61 Montmorenci Avenue Ward: 1 Applicant: Jordan Matthews Article(s): Article 53 Section 56 Off Street Parking & Loading Req - 4) Location of parking in front yard via elimination of the garage Art. 53 Sec. 09 Excessive f.a.r. Purpose: Convert an attached garage into a bedroom. There is a driveway for off street parking still. Change an exterior light.
Case: BOA-1321373 Address: 131 West Newton Street Ward: 4 Applicant: Alpine Advisory Services Article(s): Article 64, Section 9 Rear Yard Insufficient Purpose: Install cantilevered steel deck at parlor level. Install roof deck. Amendment to ALT1268119.
Case: BOA-1319033 Address: 313 West Fourth Street Ward: 6 Applicant: Peter Vanderweil Article(s): Article 68, Section 8 Rear Yard Insufficient Purpose: Construct deck at second floor rear as shown on stamped drawings submitted.
Case: BOA- 1295127 Address: 71 Peter Parley Road Ward: 11Applicant: Tom Malone Article(s): Article 55, Section 9 Rear Yard Insufficient Purpose: Demolition of existing rear deck and construction of new rear deck in its place.
Case: BOA-1283521 Address: 57 Grampian Way Ward: 13 Applicant: Valbona Martini Article(s): Article 65, Section 9 Excessive f.a.r. Purpose: Finish basement as per plans attached. Build perimeter walls, and partition walls, add insulation with R15 and sheetrock, build full bathroom and as per plans included. Electrical & plumbing work & finish floors. This basement will be an extension of living space for unit 1.
Case: BOA-1044561 Address: 86 Fairmount Street Ward: 17 Applicant: Norberto Leon Article(s):Article 65, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 65, Section 9 Front Yard Insufficient Article 65, Section 9 Rear Yard Insufficient - Min 8 ft from an accessory building Purpose: Demo front and rear porches> Build new front porch and 2nd floor addition. Build new rear addition and Porch. Renovate second floor.
Case: BOA- 1333051 Address: 20 Dale Street Ward: 18 Applicant: Michael Bavis Article(s): Art. 67 Sec. 09Side Yard Insufficient - Left side of property is less than 10' Article 67, Section 9 Front Yard Insufficient Article 67, Section 9 Bldg Height Excessive (Stories) Purpose: This is the renovation of an existing single family residence. A new dormer will be added at the rear along with new habitable area at the third floor and the basement. The new rear dormer will create a 3 story in a 2.5 story zone. ZBA relief will be required. The front porch will be rebuilt.
Case: BOA-1296277 Address: 12 Cataumet Street Ward: 19 Applicant: David Rand & Jessica London-Rand Article(s):Article 55, Section 9 Side Yard Insufficient Article 55, Section 9 Rear Yard Insufficient Purpose: New second story addition.
Case: BOA-1307432 Address: 11 Parkside Drive Ward: 19 Applicant: Douglas Arevalo Article(s): Article 55, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 55, Section 9 Front Yard Insufficient Article 55, Section 9 Rear Yard Insufficient Purpose: Build second floor addition, expansion of the garage, renovation of the kitchen, and expansion of living space in the basement, according to submitted plans.
Case: BOA- 1311104 Address: 100 Chesbrough Road Ward: 20 Applicant: Christopher Carrier Article(s): Art. 56 Sec. 08 Useable Open Space insufficient. - Min. required: 1,800 sqft Article 56. Section 8 Side Yard Insufficient - Min. required: 10' Proposed: 0.5' (L) Art. 56 Sec. 08 Rear Yard Insufficient - Min. required: 30' Proposed: 16.9' Purpose: Replace existing temporary carport with new garage and connecting breezeway entrance to basement.
Case: BOA-1316424 Address: 36 Glenhaven Road Ward: 20 Applicant: Old City Builders LLC Article(s): Article 56, Section 8 Rear Yard Insufficient - Required Rear yard minimum 30 ft. Purpose: Remove existing mudroom and garage and construct new addition in existing foot print of the building Remodel exiting bathroom on 2nd floor Build 16x16 deck back of house replace bulkhead doors. *ONE FAMILY #872 1939.
Case: BOA-1328337 Address: 51 Gretter Road Ward: 20 Applicant: John Pulgini Article(s): Article 56, Section 8 Dimensional Regulations - Insufficient side yard setback Article 56, Section 39 Off Street Parking & Loading Req - Location Parking in front yard (garage converted) Purpose: Renovation, update and add a side addition over the garage of an existing single family home.
Case: BOA- 1305862 Address: 200 Temple Street Ward: 20 Applicant: Erin & John Pels Article(s): Art. 67 Sec. 09 Side Yard Insufficient Purpose: Construct a master suite second floor addition (with master bath) above a remodeled kitchen and dining room. New roof deck above 2nd floor addition. No change to the footprint of the building on the first floor. House will remain a single family.
Case: BOA- 1285309 Address: 157 Theodore Parker Road Ward: 20 Applicant: Julie Muse-Fisher Article(s): Art. 56 Sec. 08 Floor Area Ratio excessive Art. 56, Section 8 Dimensional Regulations - Insufficient side yard setback Article 56, Section 8 Dimensional Regulations - Max allowed # of stories exceeded Purpose: This is the conversion and extension of an existing attic into living space. There will be a new rear shed dormer and three single dormers at the front. An existing first floor kitchen will be rebuilt and expanded. House will remain single family.
Case: BOA- 1268413 Address: 69 Vincent Road Ward: 20 Applicant: Marc Sze Article(s): Article 56, Section 8 Rear Yard Insufficient Purpose: Construct 14x8 Deck and 10x16 Shed.
Case: BOA-1258118 Address: 82 Presentation Road Ward: 22 Applicant: David Roe Article(s): Article 51 Section 9 Dimensional Regulations-Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 51 Section 9 Dimensional Regulations-Building Height ( # of Stories ) Excessive Purpose: Adding 1 bedroom, one bathroom and storage closet in attic of existing house. Our long form permit number is ERT50921.
Case: BOA- 1283294 Address: 47-48 Snow Hill Street Ward: 3 Applicant: Ryan Medows Article(s): Article 54, Section 10 Rear Yard Insufficient Article 54, Section 10 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 54, Section 18 Roof Structure Restrictions Purpose: Construct new 1 story vertical addition and roof deck on existing three story building. Upper unit 2 to be renovated