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Western Australia-based solar glass developer ClearVue has commenced installation of its transparent solar PV glazing panels at what will be the world’s first clear solar glass greenhouse.
Workers install ClearVue's transparent solar PV glass on site at Murdoch University.
In recent years, WW - the organization formerly known as WeightWatchers - has doubled down on digital. It’s been all about the app and online community, a major evolution from its traditional model of meetings in physical rooms. That’s something that may have played well during the COVID c
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation shared a video on Tuesday to remind residents that food sources for bears should be put away after one was seen opening a storm door with its mouth.
The video, which was captured on a home security camera, showed a bear approach
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Digital applications and social media can be places where connections are made—even to the divine. See for yourself in the
First impressions have a big impact. When I walked up to the Windy SR44 SX, the first thing that caught my eye was the huge booth-style seating arrangement on the aft deck. Its width makes the deck appear expansive as it does for the helm station under the equally large T-top. A quick scan fro
Burkholder’s Country Market, in Spring Mills, Pa., has selected SunDirected, a SunPower Commercial Dealer, to install a 581-kilowatt high-efficiency solar-power system. The installation will encompass three solar carports and, is expected in its first year of operation to generate more than
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CentraState Medical has the Highest Percentage of Solar Energy of any Hospital in New Jersey
BEDMINSTER, N.J. , Dec. 31, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- KDC Solar LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of CI Renewables LLC, has commenced commercial operation
T he pound suffered its steepest fall since the onset of the Covid crisis on Thursday as traders panicked after the Bank of England warned over a recession.
Sterling fell as much as 2.2pc against the dollar to a near-two year low of $1.23 as analysts warned that a “toxic mix” of high
On Monday, April 25, the U.S. Department of Energy announced the top division winners and Project Pitch Champion in the Solar District Cup Collegiate Design Competition Class of 2021–2022. A total of nine student-led teams won first, second, or third place across the three