Those who are annoyed by rising energy prices can easily generate part of their electricity themselves.It does not always have to be an expensive house roof solar system.Even in a small space, the dream of generating your own electricity can be realized with a plug-in solar system.In our comparison, we present four models of balcony power plants that can be easily installed on the flat roof of garages and carports.If you are looking for a solar system balcony power plant for carport & garage, you should know the following three things:If you are looking for a balcony power plant for a carport and garage, you should attach great importance to the choice of provider.The models selected for our comparison were able to convince with good support services from the provider and well thought-out equipment.The balcony power plant experts priwatt offer an uncomplicated start with their priFlat Duo solar system for carports and garages.The two modules deliver a theoretical peak power of 660 watts.Registration of the system with the network operator is included in the package price.From November 2021, the complete installation can be booked as a service for an additional charge.At the moment this is not possible due to capacity utilization.(Status: 08/2021).Balcony power plant with 600 W feed-in power and free registration service with the market master data register and grid operator.Secure from 949 euros at priwatt!The Yuma Flat 600 watt solar system for carports and garages impresses with two high-quality solar modules from the Stuttgart manufacturer Luxor.The user must register with the network operator himself, but Yuma provides the necessary documents.As with the priFlat Duo 660 watt system, the plug is not included with the Yuma Flat 660 solar system.When ordering, users can optionally choose between a Schuko and Wieland plug.Balcony power plant for flat roofs with up to 680W module power (feed-in power limited to 600W).Secure from 889 euros at Yuma!Click here for a larger selection of models!If you only have little space on the roof of the carport and garage for a balcony power plant, you should use a single module solution.The Yuma Flat 330 balcony power plant uses the same high-quality module from Luxor as the Yuma Flat 660 and has a peak output of 330 watts.The package also includes the Hoymile HM-350 inverter, which delivers up to 350 watts of nominal current and thus supports the full 330 watts of maximum output from the solar module.Balcony power station for flat surfaces with up to 330 watts of power.From 429 euros.For more Yuma complete sets click here.The alternative to the Yuma Flat 330 watt system is the priFlat 330 balcony power station for carports and garages.A solar module from the popular manufacturer Trina is used here, which can also provide 330 watts peak.However, the Hoymiles HM-300 Inverter included in the package only supports an output power of 300 watts.Registration of the system with the network operator is included and, according to the provider priwatt, interested parties can book a complete installation again as an option from November 2021.(Status: 08/2021)Simply generate green solar power yourself!Set consisting of a solar module, inverter and bracket.With a total output of 330 W. Secure from 429 euros at priwatt!The mini solar systems priwatt priFlat Duo and Yuma Flat 660 each feed a maximum of 600 watts of solar power into the home power grid.The priFlat and Yuma Flat solutions are smaller systems with just one solar module.2x Trina "The HoneyBlack" TSM-DD06M.05(II)1x Trina "The HoneyBlack" TSM-DD06M.05(II)Dimensions per panel, approx. (H x L x D)Schuko/Wieland plug connection house includedThe supplier market for a balcony power plant solar system for garage and carport is confusing.Systems with different compositions are offered from eBay to Amazon.The providers themselves often do not even have their own website.During our research, it was therefore particularly important to us to recommend systems from reputable providers who are based in Germany and have sufficient capacity to be able to provide support and advice if necessary.In addition, another focus was on the fact that the offered balcony power plants, which we included in our mini solar systems comparison, can be configured in such a way that they comply with the VDE recommendations.This applies above all to equipment with a Wieland connector.Dealers often promise easy plug & play installation.But the correct composition of the components plays a major role.In particular, beginners in the topic of balcony power plants should make sure that they receive technically up-to-date equipment, such as that offered by us in our comparison.If you want to start looking for a balcony power plant for your garage and carport, you will find important basic knowledge in our purchase advice, which ultimately decides on an efficient green electricity yield and safe operation.Solar module: High-quality balcony power plant Solar systems for garages and carports work with monocrystalline solar modules, which offer a higher output than polycrystalline modules in cloudy weather.In addition, half-cell solar modules have now established themselves, while full-cell modules are increasingly taking a back seat.This is because half-cell modules suffer less power loss and are therefore more efficient.The additional space between the cells means more sunlight reflections, which increases the possible use of light.Inverter (inverter): The inverter, also known as the inverter, is an integral part of a balcony power plant solar system package.It converts the direct current from the solar panel into alternating current and limits the amount of electricity that is fed into the home power grid.The maximum amount of power that the inverter can draw should be at least equal to the maximum amount of power that the connected solar panels are generating.On the output side, the inverter must not feed more than the 600 watts permitted in Germany into the home power grid.Plugs: With the plugs, a distinction must be made between the plugs that connect the solar modules to each other and to the inverter and the plug that connects the inverter to the wall socket.The latter are usually not included in the scope of delivery.This is because users usually have the choice between a household Schuko plug and a Wieland plug.We recommend using the Wieland plug required by the VDE standard (DIN VDE V 0628-1 VDE V 0628-1:2018-02).This often involves the installation of a Wieland socket by a qualified electrician.Weight: Depending on the construction of the garage or carport on whose roof the balcony power plant solar system is to be installed, buyers should also consider the weight of the system.If there are doubts about the stability of the garage or carport roof, we advise you to choose a system that uses only one solar module.Registration: In addition to registering with the network operator, the balcony power plant must also be registered in the market master data register of the Federal Network Agency.The register is based on the "Ordinance on the central electronic directory of energy industry data - market master data register ordinance".However, you do not have to do this yourself.If you have your balcony power plant installed by a qualified electrician, you can have this person or a knowledgeable friend do the registration for you.In addition, good providers of mini PV systems for carports and garages are also available to help their customers with the registrations.The priwatt priFlat Duo balcony power plant solar system for garages and carports is a package consisting of two 330 Wp solar modules from the Trina brand.Together, the two panels achieve a peak output of 660 watts.The efficiency is 96.5 percent, which is a good value.The inverter included in the service package is the Hoymiles HM-600 Inverter.The 600 in the name stands for an output power of 600 watts, i.e. the permitted amount of electricity that a DIY balcony power plant in Germany can feed into the home power grid via a plug.The maximum input power of the inverter is 760 watts peak, so if the two Trina solar panels produce a maximum of 660 watts, users do not have to worry about an inverter overload.The special feature of the priwatt balcony power plant solar system for carports and garages lies in the services offered.priwatt offers its customers a complete installation for a surcharge.The company is thus responding to the desire of many potential households without technical knowledge for a balcony power plant.However, due to the high demand, it is currently not possible to book the complete installation service.According to priwatt, however, the service should be available again from November 2021.(Status: 08/2021)Our conclusion: The priFlat Duo balcony power plant for carports and garages is a well thought-out package that produces a lot of electricity.Unfortunately, the optionally bookable complete installation is currently not available.According to the provider priwatt, if you have a little time, you can book a complete installation with the purchase from November 2021.We rate the registration service with the network operator, which is included in the purchase price, as very customer-friendly.(Status: 08/2021)Balcony power plant with 600 W feed-in power and free registration service with the market master data register and grid operator.Secure from 949 euros at priwatt!Like the priFlat Duo, the Yuma Flat 660 balcony power plant solar system for carports and garages has a maximum output of 660 watts peak, with two panels of 330 Wp each being used.Very good: The panels are two modules from the Stuttgart company Luxor.The company received the EUPD Research "Top Brand PV" seal in 2020.Compared to the priFlat Duo Mini-PV solar system, the registration of the system with the network operator is not included in the price.There is also no option to book a complete installation service with the Yuma model, which is why buyers either have to hire an electrician for the installation themselves, unless they want to do the installation themselves.The two Luxor M120 solar panels work like the two Trina modules of the priFlat Duo solution with 2x 120 half cells.For the inverter, Yuma also opted for the popular Hoymiles HM-600, which feeds a maximum of 600 watts into the home power grid.All of the models we recommend in our balcony power plant solar systems for garages and flat roofs are modern monocrystalline solar modules.A frame on which the panels are attached is included in the scope of delivery.The stands are simply placed on the roof of the carport or garage and then have to be weighed down with stone slabs so that the construction is not "blown off the roof" in a storm.As with the priFlat Duo 600 Mini PV system for garages and carports, the plug cable for connecting to a house electricity socket is not part of the package.If required, users can optionally order a Wieland plug or Schuko plug during the ordering process.Our conclusion: Yuma Flat 660 is a high-quality mini solar system for garages and carports.However, since Yuma does not offer installation and registration services, some initiative or the hiring of experts is required.Alternatively, a qualified electrician can be entrusted with the installation.Balcony power plant for flat roofs with up to 680W module power (feed-in power limited to 600W).Secure from 889 euros at Yuma!Click here for a larger selection of models!It doesn't always have to be a large 600 W solar system for garages and carports.Systems with just one panel also help reduce electricity costs and CO2 emissions.Another advantage: Due to the lower weight, they do not put as much strain on the less strong roofs of wooden carports as a large balcony power plant.The Yuma Flat 330 W Mini PV solar system contains a high-quality monocrystalline Luxor M120 panel with an output of 330 Wp, which can achieve a very good efficiency of up to 19.94 percent.With the smaller systems, it is worth paying attention to the inverter: Yuma supplies the balcony power station for garages and carports with a Hoymiles HM-350 inverter.This is designed to feed up to 350 watts into the home power grid, so it is sufficiently dimensioned for the possible 330 watts of peak power of the Yuma Flat Mini PV system.The solar module itself weighs 19 kilograms, the inverter just under two kilograms, so that the roof of the carport or garage is loaded with a weight of around 20 kilograms, which should not weigh too much even on a wooden carport roof.As with the large balcony power plants in our comparison, the plug connection is not included in the package.If a corresponding cable is not already available at home, buyers can optionally add a Schuko plug or a Wieland plug during the ordering process.Our conclusion: If you choose the small Yuma Flat 330 W balcony power station for the carport or garage, you will receive high-quality components that are optimally matched to each other.It is up to the customer to set up and register the mini solar system.Balcony power station for flat surfaces with up to 330 watts of power.From 429 euros.For more Yuma complete sets click here.Provider priwatt also offers a mini-PV system suitable for carports and garages with its priFlat.The balcony power plant contains a Trina "The HoneyBlack" monocrystalline solar module with 120 half-cells, which can achieve a maximum output of 330 watts peak.These are good values that don't need to fear comparison with the Yuma Flat 330, even if the maximum achievable efficiency is slightly lower at around 19.6 percent.In comparison to the Yuma Flat, only the small Hoymiles HM-300 inverter is included in the priFlat 330 mini PV system package.This only delivers 300 watts of nominal power, so it throttles down the amount of power with a panel power generation of 330 watts.Even if the Watt Peak maximum amount is a more theoretical value from the laboratory, the component composition of the Yuma Flat 330 system is in our opinion a little better in comparison.In return, buyers of the priFlat 330 balcony power plant solar system for carports and garages can look forward to a registration service for the system with the network operator that is included in the price.As with all other balcony power plants in our comparison, no plug is included in the package with the priFalt 330, but must be added to the shopping cart as an option during the ordering process.Our conclusion: priFlat 330 is a stylish little mini PV system that is ideal for carports and garages.As with its large systems, manufacturer priWatt shines with its extensive range of services.If you are looking for a carefree package, you will quickly be happy with the priFlat 330 plug-in solar system.Simply generate green solar power yourself!Set consisting of a solar module, inverter and bracket.With a total output of 330 W. Secure from 429 euros at priwatt!It is difficult to nominate a clear comparison winner, because the choice of a mini solar system for the garage and carport depends heavily on personal power requirements and local conditions.In our comparison, we recommend the following models, whereby we placed great value on the seriousness of the provider and possible support.The balcony power plant solar systems for carports and garages presented in our comparison cost around 430 euros for a 300 W system with one solar module and up to 800 euros for a 600 W solution with two modules.There are also optional costs if a plug is required and costs for installation by a qualified electrician.(Status: 08/2021)A solar system for a carport or garage is a so-called plug-in solar system.These are small solar systems that feed a maximum of 600 watts of electricity into the home power grid via an inverter.The systems are also known as balcony power plants, but they are not mounted on the balcony railing, but on special stands that are placed on the carport or garage roof.The stands have to be weighted down there so that they don't fall off the roof in bad weather.Stone or concrete slabs or path slabs are usually used to weigh down the stands.The power ratings for balcony power plants for carports and garages are given in peak watts (Wp).This means the peak performance of the solar modules used, which were measured in the laboratory.In practice, the actual performance is lower; it depends on the weather, the installation location and other environmental factors.Since the performance of the solar modules for carports or garages varies greatly depending on environmental influences and the location, it is difficult to make a general statement.As a guideline, experts say that a south-facing system with an output of 600 Wp is approx.can cover 10 to 30 percent of the electricity requirement.If you choose a branded solar module, you can count on an operating time of 20 years and more.As a rule, manufacturers give a product guarantee of ten to 12 years and a performance guarantee of 20 to 25 years (as of 08/2021).As with all devices, the following applies: With good care and regular cleaning, the operating time can far exceed the warranty periods.noThe inverter or inverter belonging to the system requires a functioning power grid in order to be able to start converting direct current to alternating current.If there is no electricity from the network provider in the house electricity network, the inverter cannot start its work and the electricity produced is not fed into the grid.Almost all electricity meters in Germany work in addition.This is important, because a balcony power plant is generally not allowed to be operated if the electricity meter can run backwards.A backstop helps to avoid possible legal hassles.More about electricity meters for balcony power plants.If a garage roof solar system or a carport balcony power plant produces more electricity than is consumed, the electricity flows into the public power grid.Although this is not remunerated for electricity production for self-consumption, the owner makes a contribution to reducing the burden on the environment with his green electricity.The question can be answered simply with "yes".However, commissioning and operation must be carried out in accordance with "the generally recognized rules of technology".If you want to be on the safe side here, you should follow the standards of the Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V. (VDE) to follow.A common point of discussion is the use of a mini PV system with a standard household Schuko or Wieland plug.We recommend a Wieland socket, which can be ordered as an option with all of the carport or garage solar systems in our comparison.A balcony power plant solar system for carport or garage is used for the uncomplicated self-production of green electricity.The systems relieve the burden on the environment, as less electricity is required that is generated by coal or nuclear power plants and at the same time helps to reduce energy costs.Balcony power plant Solar systems for garages and carports offer the following advantages:Balcony power plant Solar systems for carports and garages have the following disadvantages:The green electricity generated by the solar panel is forwarded to the inverter, which converts the direct current from the balcony power plant into alternating current.The electricity is then fed into the house electricity network via a plug.There, the electricity is then consumed by connected electronic devices.If the electricity produced in the carport or garage is not sufficient to supply all connected devices, electricity from the electricity supplier will be added.The installation of a balcony power plant solar system for carport and garage takes place in 10 stepsnoNo way!A mini PV system must not be used with a multiple plug.This creates a high risk potential for the inverter, the socket and in the home power grid.Yes.The mini solar systems and inverters presented by us are rainproof.Nevertheless, we recommend always installing the inverter under the solar panel.This has the advantage that it and the cable connections are not exposed to prolonged rain showers or direct sunlight.We also recommend that you regularly carry out a visual inspection for damage and clean the panel surfaces.Dirt deposits can reduce performance.So far, users of a balcony power plant solar system have not had to take out any special liability insurance.Nevertheless, we recommend taking out a liability insurance policy in order to be able to settle liability claims in an emergency.Anyone who already has liability insurance should check the contract to see whether the solar system area is covered.This is usually not the case with old contracts.Then a change is advisable.(Status: 08/2021)Yes.In contrast to a "large" solar system, in which more than 600 watts are fed into the electricity network, a mini solar system or a balcony power plant is tax-free for private individuals.Power plants produce alternating current, which is why alternating current flows in the domestic electricity network and connected devices are operated with alternating current.However, a solar system produces direct current.Therefore, the direct current has to be converted into alternating current.This task is performed by the inverter, which is often also referred to as an inverter.Therefore, a balcony power plant consists of at least one solar module and one inverter.It makes no difference whether it is a mini solar system for the terrace, balcony, carport or garage.A solar carport is a "large solar system" for a carport, the roof of which is completely covered with solar modules.The electricity production exceeds 600 watts and the system is therefore subject to stricter regulations than a mini PV system.A mini solar system for the carport or garage is a balcony power plant with a power output limited to 600 watts.Instead of one or two solar panels being installed on a balcony railing, the panels are mounted on a stand which is then placed on the roof of the garage or carport and "anchored" there.Alexa evangelist and digital native.Before starting at home&smart, he worked as a freelance technology journalist and editor for various publishers and editorial offices, including T3 (Tomorrow's Technology Today), Süddeutsche Zeitung, connect, Handy Magazin, iBusiness and fluent in Alexa and enjoys testing devices that make everyday life smarter, such as intelligent speakers, e-book readers, tablets or Bluetooth headphones.Special topics: smartphones, robotic lawnmowers, burglary protection.Experience all smart home products and devices with voice control at Amazon at unbeatable prices.Find current Smart Home offers at Amazon and save!About us & Jobs