Mid Sussex planning applications: Here’s the latest list of submissions across the district | SussexWorld

2022-09-23 19:48:48 By : Ms. Rum Song

Woman raped in Chichester: Police launch investigation

Person hit by a train between East Croydon and Gatwick Airport - All lines blocked

DM/22/2841: Old Beech Farm, Staplefield Road, Cuckfield. Demolition of existing single-story pitched roof kitchen, utility and boot room. Erection of a single-story extension to build a new entrance porch, kitchen and family living/dining room and a new bay window.

DM/22/2858: Old Beech Farm, Staplefield Road, Cuckfield. Demolition of existing single-story pitched roof kitchen, utility and boot room. Erection of a single-story extension to build a new entrance porch, kitchen and family living/dining room and a new bay window.

DM/22/0368: Mount Pleasant Nursery, Cansiron Lane. Outline planning permission for the demolition of an existing dwelling and nursery buildings and construction of up to 6no. self/custom-build dwellings with creation of new access onto Cansiron Lane and provision of a new passing point/layby (amendment to DM/18/3242 to allow the development to come forward as self/custom-build). All matters are to be reserved except for access. Additional ecology surveys received 21/9/22.

DM/22/2208: Fielden, Woods Hill Lane. Proposed two storey side extension, front single storey extension and loft conversion (revised tree plan and photographs received 09.09.2022).

DM/22/2830: 5 Newlands. Proposed front porch and rear detached garden room.

DM/22/2003: Old Highlands Lodge, London Road. Proposed earthed bund to reduce noise level from road.

DM/22/2812: 4 Council Cottages, Chapel Road. Loft conversion, rear extension to first floor and side extension.

DM/22/2865: 1, 2 And 3 Marylands, Cowfold Road. Variation to condition 2 relating to planning application DM/21/4281, revising the approved site plan to include additional pedestrian footpaths and an off-road sub-station vehicular access.

DM/22/1697: 5 Silverdale Road. Proposed erection of an oak framed domestic garage building with home office and annex on the first floor.

DM/22/2634: 2 The Spinney. New access and driveway off Leylands Road to front of property.

DM/22/2642: 41 Inholmes Park Road. Proposed two storey rear extension.

DM/22/2740: 1 And 2 Sevenfields. T8 and T9 - reduce crown by 2m, raise crown to first major fork and thin crown by 10%.

DM/22/2748: 7 Adur Road. Hip to gable roof extension and loft conversion with rear dormer and front roof light windows. New single storey rear extension to existing garage to form a home office.

DM/22/2793: 2 Woolven Close. First floor extension over existing ground floor.

DM/22/2822: 5 Terracotta Lane. Proposed loft conversion.

DM/22/2828: Lidl, 38 The Martlets. The proposed use of 2 former shop units to be used for filming and sets to form part of an ITV drama series. the use of former Lidl and Heights building for internal filming. Prior to demolition temp use to film within these units. Total of 25 days use. Use of a demolition site of former Martlets Hall site to allow for vehicle parking.

DM/22/2836: 18 Meadow Lane. Removal of existing rear conservatory and erection of a single storey rear extension.

DM/22/2843: 98 Folders Lane. Internal alterations to the first floor and alterations to the roof so that the second floor double hipped end becomes a double gabled end with arched windows within each gable and a flat roof section to replace an existing valley between the 2 gables.

DM/22/2884: Birchways, Keymer Road. T1 Copper Beech - Thin crown by 30%. T2 Apple tree - Fell.

LW/22/0496: Pellingbrook, Lewes Road, Scaynes Hill. Erection of front boundary fence with driveway entrance gate, and alterations to front drive with tarmac surfacing, extended culvert to drainage ditch and associated soft landscaping.

LW/22/0593: Thelkenber, Green Lane. Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 3no. 3-bedroom dwellings (Resubmission of refusal LW/21/0878).

LW/22/0595: Wilding Wood Farm, Markstakes Lane. Existing use of building as a dwelling.

LW/22/0599: Land South Of Chailey Moat, Church Lane, Chailey Green. Creation of sand school.

LW/22/0601: Wivelsden Farmhouse, North Common Road, North Chailey. Section 73A Retrospective permission for change of use of part of the existing barn to a commercial unit with provision of parking, use of existing access drive and associated works to building, remainder of barn to remain for agricultural and equestrian purposes.

DM/22/2839: 11 Mytten Close. Oak - fell.

SDNP/22/04030/HOUS and SDNP/22/04031/LIS: 9 South Street. Like-for-like replacement of seven windows to front elevation.

SDNP/22/04119/HOUS: 5 Mulberry Lane. Hip to gable extension with hiplet for loft conversion, external insulation with new finishes, replacement windows and external doors, carport to side of dwelling on south side.

DM/22/2582: 14 Hollands Way. Oak Tree - (T1) - Reduce crown by 2 Metres.

DM/22/2729: Land To The North Of Walnut Marches, Crawley Down Road, Felbridge. The erection of 4 bed dwelling with associated access, landscaping and parking.

DM/22/2834: 29 Silverdale. Double storey side and rear extension.

DM/22/2850: 16 Lagwood Close. Proposed replacement pitched roof to form habitable accommodation with front and rear velux roof lights, and single storey side extension.

DM/22/2861: 26A Lodge Lane. Acacia- Remove, Cherry Tree - Trim and reshape up to 1 meter, Willow - Trim and reshape up to 1 meter, Hawthorne - Trim and reshape remove up to 1 meter, Birch Remove approx 2 meters from height and reshape crown removing 1 meter.

DM/22/2862: 11 The Crescent. 1x Beech Tree - Reduce Crown by 1.5 meters and lift crown by up to 1 meter.

DM/22/2866: 17 The Crescent. 1x Oak Tree reduce branches by up to 2 meters 1x Chestnut Tree reduce to previous points to a hight of 2 meters 4x Sycamore tree - Re-pollard to previous points.

DM/22/2463: 2 Quarry Hill. Proposed two storey side extension and first floor extension over existing lounge.

DM/22/2775: 4 Orchard Way. Construction of a two storey front extension, garage conversion, insertion of Juliette balcony to the existing master bedroom, together with associated internal and external alterations.

DM/22/2784: 9 Drummond Close. Group of trees: 1x Ash, 4x Hornbeam and 1x(4 truck) Oak - thin by 20% and reduce crown by 2m.

DM/22/2801: Chestnuts, Woodridge Close. Conversion of integral garage into habitable accommodation, construction of car port, demolition of porch with alterations to fenestration and external materials.

DM/22/2802: The Changing Workplace Ltd, 1 Boltro Road. Change of use from offices to 7 self contained flats, including cycle parking and refuse storage area.

DM/22/2816: Franklands Village Housing Association, The Estate Office, Franklands Village. See schedule of proposed works for trees listed on the application form, (various locations within Franklands Village, positions of which are marked on accompanying site map).

DM/22/2837: 19 Lucastes Lane. Single storey front extension to provide enlarged entrance hall.

DM/22/2877: 112 Hoblands. Single storey extension to front and two storey extension to rear and internal alterations.

DM/22/2799: 3 Pelham Place Cottages, Black Hill. Alterations to a Listed Building to create a single storey rear extension together with a new 1.7m high timber fence to provide screening between dwellings.

DM/22/2829: 3 Pelham Place Cottages, Black Hill. Alterations to a Listed Building to create a single storey rear extension together with a new 1.7m high timber fence to provide screening between dwellings.

DM/22/2831: 35 Savill Road. Part conversion of garage & erection of single storey front extension with associated hard/soft landscaping works.

DM/22/2800: 6 Cleavers Avenue, Lindfield. Loft conversion with roof lights to the front and rear elevation.

DM/22/2819: Gable House, Sandridge Lane, Lindfield. Single and two storey rear extension, single storey side extensions and interior remodelling.

DM/22/2823: 16 Costells Edge, Scaynes Hill. Proposed garage conversion and installation of windows to side elevation.

DM/22/2855: White Gables, 5 Gravelye Close, Lindfield. T1 Oak - Reduce lateral spread growing towards house by approx. 2 metres, blend into high crown. T2 Pine - Fell.

DM/22/2766: Orchard House, The Green. Yew Tree (T1) - reduce crown by 1 approx. 0.30m Holly Tree (T2) - Raise crown by approx. 0.45m and reduce crown by approx. 0.45m Scots Pine (T3) - Remove crossing branches and thin crown by 15% Pollard Maple (T5) - To Remove.

DM/22/2576: Millwood, East Street. Full planning permission for the change of use of land, construction of 1no new dog grooming parlour, the creation of 1no new vehicular access, car parking, and internal vehicular access route.

DM/22/2429: The Conservatory, Duckyls, Selsfield Road. Variation of condition 2 from application DM/22/1489 - to replace approved plans to allow the enclosing of the rear open sided canopy with glazing.

DM/22/2849: Priory Cottage, 7 Hilltop Road. Rear extension at first floor with new rooflights and dormers with obscured glazing up to 1.7m from finished floor level.

SDNP/22/04191/FUL: Barncroft, Lewes Road. Creation of pond of approximately 135m squared.

DM/22/2555: 27 And 28 Bowers Place, Crawley Down. Removal of redundant shared chimney stack, at the rear of the property, to below roof level only and make good roof to match existing tiled finish.

DM/22/2750: 8 Bramble Way, Crawley Down. Part single part two storey rear ground and first floor extension. Removal of existing conservatory (amended description 14-09-22).

DM/22/2794: 30 Tiltwood Drive, Crawley Down. Change to the roof structure from a hip end to a gable end. (Amendment to the approved planning permission DM/21/3513).

DM/22/2803: 40 Church Lane, Copthorne. Part Garage conversion to previously constructed two storey extension.

DM/22/2844: 1 Sunnyside, Copthorne Bank, Copthorne. Retrospective application for partial demolition of existing dwelling and reconstruction to include front extension as approved under application DM/21/1364.