Wheeler, 22, denies murder and is facing trial at Canterbury Crown Court
The trial of a man accused of murdering PCSO Julia James as she walked her dog near her Snowdown home will resume on Monday (May 16). Callum Wheeler, 22, admits killing Julia near Ackholt Wood on April 27 last year but denies the charge of murder.
The 53-year-old had been walking her Jack Russell dog Toby before she was found dead with head injuries. Julia was a serving Kent Police PCSO and worked with victims of domestic abuse.
Police officers, forensic teams and search crews scoured the countryside as part of their investigations. The case is being heard at Canterbury Crown Court and started on Monday (May 9).
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The court has heard evidence from Gavin Moss, the senior investigator in this case.
It became apparent very quickly that there was no single eyewitness of the attack. Immediate crime scene was set up in the vicinity.
Police presence was maintained in the area for 33 days. Over 2,500 houses were visited, 5,000 members of the public were visited. 534 downloads of CCTV were obtained.
The team considered over 6,700 hours worth of footage. All of that work was initially conducted to identify the defendant.
Early stages of investigation, family members were explored as part of the investigation.
I was more than satisfied that no family member was involved in this whatsoever.
There was only one credible suspect in this case.
138 statements were obtained from officers who had been at any of the scenes as part of the investigation and had handled any of the exhibits.
The court has heard further forensic evidence from Steven Paddock.
Trainers - Black coloured size 8. Trainers appeared well worn. Outside and inside of the openings were examined. Blood was detected on the uppers of both trainers. Samples of blood were found to match Julia James.
Blue and black bag - Inside and outside was examined for presence of blood. A number of bloodstains were detected above the Nike ‘swoosh’, some soaked through to the inside surface of the bag.
Tesco carrier bag from Nike bag pocket - No visible bag detected. Small piece of damage approximately 2cm long was present on one side of the bag.
Metal railway jack - Recovered from front first floor bedroom. 96.6cm long. One end of the bar was orange coloured, middle section was black with a grip.
Weighed 3,275g. A number of areas of blood staining were detected. Samples were taken. DNA matching the defendant and Julia James were found.
The metal end of the bar was sampled - a DNA result matched the defendant.
Area of damage to red coloured Wilko bag - DNA matching defendant was found, with DNA also matching Julia James found in a further sample of the red Wilko bag.
Bloodstain on black coloured rubber-like grip was sampled. DNA matching Julia James was found in the sample. Bloodstain on orange end of the bar was sampled - DNA matching defendant and Julia James was found. Blood staining was sampled on two further areas of the orange bar - both produced DNA matching Julia James.
Louisa Marsh, another forensic scientist, also examined exhibits seized including Julia’s jacket and hair, the metal bar and Nike bag, and Tesco carrier bag.
The court has heard an off-white grey adhesive was found at right end of the bar.
Surfaces of the adhesive were very shiny and clean - the surface of the adhesive is highly likely to have been freshly exposed.
A sample of the adhesive was tested for comparison purposes. Some significant force was likely applied in order to move the rubber sheaf handle from the end of the bar to its midpoint.
Julia’s hair sample - possible bone fragments and two pieces of off-white grey flexible material were found. These were found to be indistinguishable from the adhesive on the right-hand end of the metal bar. It is accepted that the adhesive found in Julia James’ hair came from the bar.
Nike duffle bag - particles from the bar were found in the bag.
The court has heard forensic scientist Steven Paddock obtained the following results:
Wellington boots - A number of samples were taken from the outside surface of the boot.
The defendant’s DNA was found in two areas on the left wellington boot.
No blood was detected on the outer areas of the right boot.
A single bloodstain was detected on the upper edge of the left boot. A few small bloodstains matching Julia were detected on lower rear of the left leg, the upper rear of the left leg and three stains on right thigh.
Blue jacket - This item was a blue coloured Berghaus zip-up jacket. The jacket had extensive and very heavy blood staining predominantly to the inside of the hood.
Also the outside of the hood and upper front and rear. It is possible blood had been redistributed inside the jacket due to the position of the hood.
The defendant’s DNA was found on the jacket under the right armpit, outside of the right pocket, inside opening of the right pocket, the left and right wrist forearm area and the right cuff.
Damage was noted to the hood of the jacket, which appeared to be short cuts. Some of which penetrated through the hood.
White vest - The vest bore a vertical piece of damage and Steven Paddock says this is in keeping with being caused as a result of medical intervention.
The vest bore heavy bloodstains predominantly to the upper left side. The defendant’s DNA found on the outside left breast area.
Pulled up grass - Blood staining matching Julia James was widespread over the grass.
In relation to Julia James’ clothing, there were no obvious runs or drips of blood down inside of jacket to indicate she was upright at the time she was bleeding. Steven says these bloodstains may be the result of a forceful blow into wet blood.
Steven Paddock is a forensic scientist and was asked to examine the exhibits and the crime scene.
He looked for the presence of blood in various locations and on exhibits.
The court heard that, on April 28, Steven attended Aylesham Road to examine the location where the body had been found.
By that time, the body had been removed from the scene.
Heavy blood staining was present, soaked into the soil.
A number of airborne bloodstains were also present in the soil and in adjacent vegetation.
A pool of blood on the walkway appeared to have been covered over with clumps of grass. This appeared to be pulled from the grass verge.
A brief search for blood on the walkway between area where body was located and area where spectacles were found was undertaken, however no obvious visible blood was seen.
The blood observed was not widespread as one might expect with multiple blunt force trauma injuries to the head.
In the opinion of Mr Paddock, if blows were struck to Julia’s head whilst her hood was over her head, this may explain the absence of widespread blood splatter in the area surrounding the body.
Ms Morgan QC has laid out what evidence has been seized from the scene.
Just before 10.55pm on April 27, crime scene investigators attended the scene.
They seized exhibits from about Julia James’ person including an Apple iPhone, Apple Watch from Julia’s right wrist, left Wellington boot, jeans, underwear, a zip from left side of jacket, blue jacket, grey jumper, white vest, and bra.
Julia James’ glasses were found at the location.
On May 8 crime scene investigators attended the defendant’s home address. Exhibits seized included an HP laptop, an orange bar with bags (weapon) and a pair of black Nike shoes, zip-up hoodie, blue and grey long sleeved striped top, blue and black Nike duffel bag, Tesco carrier bag found in pocket of Nike bag.
The Weapon is fully packaged and is in the court room.
A separate replica has been provided ready for the jury to hold. It’s lighter than the original.
The replica has made its way around the jurors, with them all getting a chance to hold it.
Bodycam footage of the arrest has been played in court.
The weapon can be seen in the corner of bedroom with carrier bags covering either end.
Wheeler was taken to Maidstone Police Station.
PC Redpath went in the vehicle to Maidstone Police Station with Callum and his bodycam was still running.
Mr Wheeler was asking “why don’t you arrest that guy there? Why don’t you arrest one of you?”
Officer: “Because he wasn’t seen in the location.”
Wheeler: “Yeah, but lots of people were there… lots of people were there.”
Officer: “Yeah, and we may well speak to them as well, but at the moment…”
Wheeler: “Yeah, but why do people have to be talked to, because they were there?”
The defendant was then escorted into custody at Maidstone Police Station, arriving at around 10.20pm.
The court has heard that whilst being booked into custody, Wheeler told the custody officer “sometimes I do things I cannot control”.
PC Ben Redpath is giving evidence to the court.
On May 7, 2021, he was one of a number of officers tasked to attend the defendant’s home address.
He was called to attend the address at about 9.25pm because the defendant had been identified as a suspect.
When he arrived at the address, Mr Wheeler’s father was present and he opened the front door.
He took PC Ben Redpath upstairs to Callum’s bedroom, which was shut.
They knocked on door several times and explained they needed to speak to him. His father also tried to assist in getting defendant to open door.
PC Redpath says he could hear loud and aggressive banging coming from inside the bedroom.
Officers prepared themselves to deal with a difficult situation.
The banging stopped and attempts were made to engage with defendant through the door.
Police tried to open the door but discovered it had been barricaded from the inside. This was bedroom furniture that had been put up against the door.
PC Redpath tried to negotiate with Callum and slowly open the door, asking whether he had anything in his hand.
PC Redpath says he was told to f*** off and that he was called a c***.
Officers managed to get in the bedroom, where the lights weren’t initially on.
The defendant was on far right side of the bedroom. Officers restrained him and applied handcuffs to him.
They explained who they were and why they were there.
The fefendant said prior to arrest that he hadn’t done anything. He was behaving with active resistance.
I informed him that he was under arrest on suspicion of murdering Julia James and informed him that he was acting suspiciously in the area.
He asked ‘who called you?’ and I f****** not done s***.
When told he would be taken to the police station, the defendant said: ‘I kick the s*** out all you’.
‘When I get out of here yous are f****** dead. Yous are f******* dead trust me’.
Yesterday, the jury was also told that 10 days before the alleged murder, Wheeler made an abandoned 999 call to police.
When two PCSOs arrived at the home in Sunshine Corner Avenue, Aylesham, that he shared with his father, the court heard Wheeler called them “phoney”.
Prosecutor Alison Morgan QC said:
The defendant asked how the police knew where he was. He said it must have been an accident and that he was joking.
Callum Wheeler then began to say that the PCSOs were not real police and that they were phoney.
He said he was not going to talk to them. He told them to get lost, go on their way and bother someone else.
The defendant Callum Wheeler was laughing behind the door, saying it wasn’t even the real police.
Hello and welcome to our coverage direct from Canterbury Crown Court as the Julia James murder trial enters its fourth day.
Yesterday (May 11), jurors were shown an image of Callum Wheeler, 22, walking in fields near Aylesham, on April 28 last year.
In the picture, taken by gamekeeper Gavin Tucker who worked for nearby Nethersole Farm, Wheeler is carrying a blue holdall – with a long object poking out of it – covered with carrier bags.
Prosecutors say the object was the railway jack that Wheeler used to bludgeon 53-year-old Julia James.
Dashcam footage from Mr Tucker’s vehicle captured a conversation between Mr Tucker and Wheeler as the defendant walked near to the junction of Pond Lane and Spinney Lane, close to Aylesham.
After being asked what he was doing, Wheeler said he was “lost or new to the area”, jurors heard.
Having seen the same man in the area the previous September, Mr Tucker told the court: “I knew he was telling lies.”
As Wheeler hurried away, the gamekeeper called police to report “a suspicious fella I have just approached and he’s running off.”
On September 21 2020, Mr Tucker twice challenged Wheeler while walking in fields near Ackholt Wood and told his colleague to keep an eye out for him, the court heard. Mr Tucker said from the witness box: “It was just the way that he came across to me. Obviously seeing him twice within a short period of time, I didn’t like the way it was.”
Press here for a full report from yesterday's proceedings.
In the aftermath of the discovery of the body, a large police operation commenced.
This included putting a large police cordon around the crime scene, including the woods. The defendant was seen to leave his home address at 2.06pm carrying a bag with a large light coloured object protruding from it. He was then captured heading towards the gap in the hedge at 4.08pm.
At around 3pm on April 28, Maureen Blackman and Alexandra Golding saw a person walking in the field alongside the road.
Alexandra and her grandmother Maureen were travelling in separate vehicles along Adisham Road. They saw a person carrying a bag with an item poking out, which was being covered by a Tesco carrier bag.
The next sighting was towards the Spinney Lane junction by Mr Tucker. Dana Jarvie saw a person running across the junction at the same time while driving her car. She described the man carrying a bag with something poking out. The end of the item poking out was wrapped in a Tesco bag.
Dana Jarvie then identified the defendant at a later date. Callum Smith was driving along Adisham Road with his girlfriend Olivia Adams at 4.59pm. The defendant ran out from the left without looking, ran in front of the vehicle and into the woods.
At 5.13pm the defendant is seen on a Ring doorbell camera walking towards Sunshine Corner Avenue.
At 5.41pm the defendant’s phone connected to the home address.
At 6.40pm Callum is captured walking back towards the gap in the hedges in the direction of Adisham Rd.
At 7.48pm CCTV captured the defendant walking along Millyard Road carrying a red bag.
At 7.53pm CCTV footage captured the defendant walking along Central Boulevard towards Mexborough Square.
On April 29, there was sighting by Kamila Rzasa between 4pm and 6pm near to the gap in the hedge. Kamila saw the defendant running from Adisham into Sunshine Corner Avenue.
On April 30 there was a sighting by Aaron Benson and Amber Szukala. Between 4.45 and 5pm Aaron and Amber were together in a car driving along Spinney Lane. They saw the defendant looking "weird", standing on the verge and looking down at police officers. They saw the defendant in two locations. They both later identified the defendant from the image released by the police.
On May 4, between 11.15am and 11.30am, Scarlett Matthews saw the defendant standing in a field near to the junction with Spinney Lane. The defendant was wearing a dark coloured baseball cap with a rucksack with an item sticking out of it. There was a carrier bag covering the end of the protruding item.
The court has heard evidence from PCSO Emma Carmichael, o ne of the officers who attended Callum Wheeler’s home address on April 17 2021 as the result of an abandoned 999 call.
PCSO Emma Carmichaelon was on duty in the Aylesham area and heard a call for any available PCSOs to attend a scene near to Aylesham in an area of the woods.
That call came from members of the Gillie family. She got in her vehicle and drove near to the area. and parked near to Snowdown Roadd.
A still from her bodyworn camera shows a view towards Ackholt Wood. She had met one of the Gillie family before that, who directed her in that way.
Other members of the Gillie family were near the entrance of the wood, they were with Toby (Julia's dog).
The family directed attention to where Julia's body was located. PCSO Emma Carmichael approached the body.
Julia was lying face down and the hood of the coat was over her head. PCSO Carmichael approached and remembers saying ‘can you hear me?’ and touched her back.
There was no response. Noticed mobile phone was near to body and appeared to be ringing.
PCSO Carmichael decided she should not touch the body any further as she was unresponsive.
Shortly after arriving on the scene, two further officers arrived.
All formed the view that there was no point in moving the body in any way. PC Snedden checked the body but did not move significantly at this point.
Footage was played to the court. The PCSO can be heard saying ‘hello can you hear me?’ to Julia but there was no response.
Other colleagues then took over the crime scene cordon.
The court has heard a timeline of events immediately after Julia's death, with her smart watch recording her final heart rate at 2.43pm.
From Ackholt Wood the defendant travelled up to Spinney Lane. At 3.04pm a Stagecoach bus captured the defendant walking along Spinney Lane towards the industrial estate.
Footage from Stagecoach bus dashcam shown to court. Shortly after that, David Gillie, who would later be one of those who found Julia’s body, was driving along Spinney Lane and saw the defendant walking towards him at about 3.10pm.
Janice Devereux saw the defendant just before 3.15pm who she later identified using the picture circulated by police. She had to pull out to avoid him. He was carrying a bulky rucksack which was dark blue/black in colour.
At 3.18pm a lorry was travelling along Adisham Rd approaching the junction with Spinney Lane. The CCTV captured the defendant walking towards Adisham Road carrying the metal railway jack.
At 3.19pm a bus passed along the same route and also recorded dashcam footage. This shows the defendant crossing to the other side of the road and moving back towards his home address.
At 3.45pm CCTV footage shows the defendant going back through the gap in the hedge towards Sunshine Avenue.
Discovery of the body: members of the Gillie family were walking together towards Ackholt Wood shortly after 4pm on April 27.
As they walked they noticed a small dog with its lead but not with an obvious owner. The dog was Toby, who had remained in the vicinity after the attack on her.
The family looked around for the owner of the dog and saw a body lying on the ground.
They called 999, the call was logged at 4.08pm. PCSO Carmichael arrived at the scene at 4.34pm. Her bodycam shows the position of Julia’s body on arrival.
The court has heard evidence from PC Scott James, a police dog handler.
He was conducting a mobile patrol as part of the search work on April 28. He was in a dog handler vehicle with a police dog.
On the afternoon of that day, he was asked to conduct a search in a particular area of woodland as a result of a report of suspicious behaviour by a male.
He arrived at Aylesham wood at around 7.20pm and had seen the picture of the suspicious male taken by Mr Tucker.
He was asked to carry out a search in Aylesham Wood looking for the defendant using his dog to assist.
He did not find anybody, but shortly after, information was received of someone emerging from a separate woodland a short distance away.
I noticed a person within a field that I believe fitted the description of the photo I had.
I could see the individual was wearing similar clothing to what was in the picture, and I could see they were holding a bag with an item covered in plastic protruding from it.
I did not know that this was Callum Wheeler at the time. I turned my vehicle around.
As I was turning around I saw a person running across the fields towards the tree line.
I drove my vehicle around the estate looking for the defendant but I could not find him.
On April 27, 2021, at 11.43am the first floor front window of the defendant’s house where his bedroom is located was open. This was shown on CCTV.
At 12.34pm the defendant’s mobile phone disconnected from the local network.
At 12.37pm the defendant moved from Sunshine Corner Avenue in the direction of the gap in the hedge.
At some point between 12pm-1pm a witness called Angela Murphy saw the defendant outside her address near the Aylesham village. She had seen the defendant on a regular basis before. He was standing at one end of the alley and was making her feel uncomfortable. He was wearing a hood with the hood up.
At 1.08pm the defendant was captured on CCTV along Ratling Road carrying a long bag with an object protruding from it. An officer walked the route between Sunshine Corner Avenue and the CCTV location at Aylesham and District Social Club three times. The route has been timed by the police. Officers walking the distance took approximately 13 minutes to walk that route.
Officers then walked between the social club and Ackholt Wood three times, which took approximately 37 minutes.
Sighting by Luke Nash-Deary and Niamh Mowat. Between 1.30 and 1.55pm Niamh was with her boyfriend Luke walking their dogs. They were heading across Spinney Lane and onto a footpath. They saw the defendant walking down a footpath near to the woods. They were unable to describe the individual in any great detail but said he was wearing a black top.
Julia James left her home to take her dog for a walk at 2.12pm. Her route is established by GPS details recorded on her Apple Watch. This shows her walking around the field and then towards Ackholt Wood. A distant CCTV camera captured her walking through a gap in the hege at 2.23pm.
Ms Morgan QC has laid out the sightings of the defendant in the area in the week leading up to April 27.
April 22, 2021: Between 4pm-5pm, Maureen Delamare saw the defendant walking past the address carrying a blue holdall. She identified the defendant from the image of the defendant released by the police.
CCTV sightings - a still from 8.31pm shows Callum leaving Sunshine Corner Avenue heading towards the gap in the hedges. At 8.57pm he can then be seen walking back towards Sunshine Corner Avenue.
April 23, 2021: Two witness sightings by Martha Williams on April 23. Martha saw the defendant walking across a field towards Aylesham. She later saw the defendant in the vicinity of Aylesham Cemetery.
She identified the defendant from the image released by the police. CCTV shows Callum travelling along Sunshine Corner Avenue at 3.36pm walking south, before then returning home at 3.39pm.
April 26, 2021 - sighting by Neil McMahon. At about 3.30pm Neil was driving along Spinney Lane travelling towards Aylesham. He saw a male walking in the other direction along the narrow verge at the edge of the road. He appeared to be carrying a golf bag over his shoulder, it was noticeably long in its dimensions and there was a bright red object sticking out the end.
Sighting by Annette Clarke near Nonington. Between 4pm-6.30pm Anette noticed a person walking at the bottom of the field running along the garden fence. There is no footpath that gives access to this area.
She could see the top half of the person and described him as slender build, tanned skin, all dark clothing.
Mr Tucker has spoken about the recording of Wheeler which was captured by his dashcam in another sighting on April 28.
He was walking up the side of the field and I stayed in my vehicle.
I spoke to him through my window and asked him what he was up to. The land belongs to the farm.
He responded to the question and said he was lost or new to the area. I recognised him as being the same person I saw in September 2020.
He never recognised me as I was in a different vehicle. I knew he was telling lies.
I asked him where he’d come from and he pointed towards Ackholt. I asked what he was up to and where he was going.
Footage of the interaction has been played to court. Mr Tucker then immediately called the police making them aware of a “suspicious fella” he’d seen in the area near Ackholt.
Mr Tucker took two pictures of Mr Wheeler and handed the dashcam footage to the police.
This image of Callum Wheeler has been shown to jurors at Canterbury Crown Court. The picture was issued by Kent Police during their investigation as part of a witness appeal.
The image was released on May 7 last year, 10 days after Julia's death, and prompted a number of witnesses to come forward. The court has heard that the man in the picture is Wheeler.
Gamekeeper for the area of land including Ackholt Wood Gavin Tucker has given an account of a second interaction with Callum Wheeler on September 21, 2020. He told the court:
I was in my vehicle and he was coming back down the field. I did have a discussion with him and said again there is no footpath here and I want you to leave. He responded and said he was looking for a train station. The nearest train station is Snowdown, and I said there’s a train station in Snowdown and you’re going the wrong way. He went through the woods and cut across another field.
Kevin Hawker was a colleague and I contacted him about this male because of the way he came across to me. I saw him twice in a short period of time and I didn’t like the way he was. I didn’t have any more sightings after he went into the playing fields. Mr Hawker did see him later on.
Gavin Tucker confirms to the court that he is the gamekeeper covering the area around Nethersole Farm, and that the area extended to the right side includes Ackholt Wood.
Mr Tucker recalls seeing Callum Wheeler on September 21, 2020, what drew his attention that day and the conversations with him. He tells the court:
He [Wheler] was walking across the fields where there was no footpath. The field had just been planted so there was no path. He was coming straight up the field towards the track that runs along the side of Ackholt Wood. I did speak to him at that point and said there’s no footpath here, and asked him: "Are you lost?" I was on the track in my vehicle at that point. He responded and said "mind your own business". He carried on walking and went straight into the woods. I had no more contact, I wasn’t going to go in and follow him.
Gavin Tucker has arrived at Canterbury Crown Court and is set to give witness evidence. He is a gamekeeper on the farm that includes Ackholt Wood, where Julia James was found dead. He will first be asked questions by prosecutor Alison Morgan QC about his interactions with Callum Wheeler before Julia's death.
On Sunday, April 17 last year - 10 days before Julia's death, PCSOs Sarah McGuinness and Emma Carmichael were on duty in a police vehicle. They were called to attend a 999 call. Nothing was said on the call but it was registered to Callum Wheeler. Ms Morgan tells the court:
As they arrived, Sarah McGuinness looked up and saw the head of a person quickly move away from the window. There was a light on in the hallway and the lounge. A white man around 55 years of age answered the door. The man, who was wearing headphones, took them off and called up the stairs: “Callum the police are here." The front door was ajar and the older man, who was Callum’s father, walked into the lounge. PCSO McGuinness tried to engage with the defendant, who was behind the door. He said it must have been an accident. He then began to say PCSOs were not real police and he told them to “get lost”. The PCSOs said they were there to make sure they were okay. Callum was laughing behind the door saying ‘it wasn’t even the real police’. Callum’s father did not know why he called 999.
Video of body-cam footage is played to the court showing what happened at the address. At approximately 9.40pm, two more PCSOs arrived at the address and knocked on the door. John Wheeler, the defendant’s father, responded. Callum Wheeler said that the call was an "accident" and remained standing behind his father.
Ms Morgan is listing the numerous eyewitness accounts of sightings of the defendant in the Aylesham area in the weeks before April 27, 2021, when Julia James was killed.
The court hears how Mandy Gass and Anthony Stevenson both saw the defendant. Mandy Gass had seen the defendant walking in the area of Aylesham on several occasions "carrying a blue and black bag over his shoulder". She identified the defendant from the image circulated by the police.
Anthony Stevenson also regularly saw Callum Wheeler in the area of Aylesham Leisure Centre sitting in a shelter watching football. At some point in April 2021 in the weeks before Julia James was killed Paul Frost saw the defendant in a field between Snowdown and Ackholt Wood. The defendant was walking through a field of high corn "carrying something".
In February 2021, Julia James was aware of the presence of a "strange male" near to Ackholt Wood, explains Ms Morgan. The prosecutor said
On two occasions, she commented to her husband Paul James that she had passed a “really weird dude” on the Ackholt bridle path. It is accepted that this male was the defendant. Between 1pm and 2pm on a day in February 2021 after it had snowed, Paul James was with Julia walking in the same area. As they walked, Paul James pointed out the defendant to Mrs James.
Following Julia James’ death, but before the arrest of the defendant, police officers spoke to Paul James. He created an e-fit of Callum Wheeler. Paul later identified Callum Wheeler as the male he had seen in Ackholt Wood when he was with Julia. Paul also identified the normal walking route that Julia would take, including marking the map showing ‘butterfly corner’.
Proscutory Alison Morgan QC is giving a summary of agreed facts in the case so far. She explains that Julia James was born on July 16, 1967 and died on April 27, 2021. She lived in The Crescent in Snowdown with her husband Paul James. She was a PCSO that was not on duty at the time of the incident. She had a dog called Toby.
Callum Wheeler was born on February 2, 2000. At the time of Julia’s death he was 21 years of age. He was not employed. He was living at his home address with his father. Ms Morgan said:
At the start of this trial, he [Wheeler] accepted responsibility for killing Julia James. Gavin Tucker is a gamekeeper for the farm that includes Ackholt Wood. He saw Callum Wheeler walking along a field rather than the footpath. Mr Tucker contacted his colleague as a result of the defendant’s behaviour. His colleague, Mr Hawker, then drove along Snowdown Rd looking for the defendant. He stopped his vehicle and saw the defendant walking across the fields at the back of the nearby houses. He was seen carrying a Wilko carrier bag.
Callum Wheeler has arrived in the dock wearing a red sweatshirt, with the trial set to resume shortly. Judge Mrs Justice Bobbie Cheema-Grubb and the jury have also arrived.
Good morning and welcome back to our coverage live from Canterbury Crown Court as Callum Wheeler's trial continues. He is accused of the murder of PCSO Julia James.
Day 1: On the first day of the trial, prosecutor Alison Morgan QC delivered her opening statement and told the court that while Wheeler denies the charge of murder, he does accept he killed Julia. Ms Morgan laid out a number of details around the timeline of events in the days leading up to April 27 and what happened after.
The account included forensic evidence linking Wheeler to Julia, as well as the discovery of the suspected murder weapon in the property he was staying at. The court also heard how a smart watch worn by Julia on her walk in Ackholt Wood captured a spike in her heart rate.
Day 2: The jury was taken to Aylesham and Snowdown. They visited The Crescent, where Julia lived, as well as retracing the route she walked on the afternoon of her death on April 27, 2021.
Day 3: Today (May 11), the court is expected to hear from witness Gavin Tucker, who is a gamekeeper for the farm that includes Ackholt Wood, where Julia James died. Also due to appear are PC Scott James and PCSO Emma Carmichael.
Today (May 10), the jury has retraced the final steps of Julia James who was beaten to death while walking her dog.
The police community support officer, 53, died from head injuries near Ackholt Wood, close to her home in Snowdown, on April 27 last year.
On Tuesday (May 10) jurors in the trial of Callum Wheeler, who admits killing her but denies her murder, were taken to Julia's former home and along the footpath where she walked that day with her Jack Russell dog, Toby.
The path led from a gate at the end of her garden, through a wooded area and along the edge of a farmer’s field.
Mrs James’s exact final movements were recorded by her smart watch.
She walked along an uneven path at the edge of the field and on to a bridle path at the edge of Ackholt Wood to a place known for an abundance of butterflies, that she and her husband Paul called the Butterfly Point.
The jury walked along the edge of a field full of crops to that point, where Mrs James turned round and began to walk home.
They were shown the point where she then made a detour away from a wooded area, the prosecution claim because she had seen Wheeler in the woods and wanted to get away.
A yellow marker showed the point a short distance away along a path next to a wheat field where her body was found.
Jurors have already been told that Mrs James had seen Wheeler in the same spot before, and described him to Mr James as “a really weird dude”.
Jurors were also shown Wheeler’s home address in Sunshine Corner Avenue, as well as a nearby gap in the hedge that leads to Adisham Road, that it is said Wheeler walked through both on April 22 and the day of Ms James’s death.
The group then moved on to Aylesham and District Social Club in Ratling, where the jury was shown a camera on the front of the building that recorded Wheeler walking past at 1.08pm on April 27.
Ms Alison Morgan QC told them: “It shows the defendant carrying a bag containing a metal railway jack.”
They then moved on to a building belonging to a local coach company, with a CCTV camera that captured an image of Julia from a distance while on her walk along the bridle path.
Jurors were also shown locations near the end of Spinney Lane where Wheeler was captured on a bus dashcam on April 27, and by a gamekeeper called Gavin Tucker who took a video clip and still photo of him the day after Mrs James’ death.
Today (May 10), the jurors are paying a visit to Aylesham and Snowdown.
They are expected to visit The Crescent, where Julia lived, as well as retracing the route she walked on the afternoon of her death on April 27, 2021.
The defendant, Callum Wheeler, 22, admits killing Julia but denies the charge of murder. He will not be in court today but is set to return to the dock tomorrow (May 12).
Yesterday., Alison Morgan QC began laying out the evidence for the prosecution.
Ms Morgan detailed the events leadng up to and following April 27. This included forensic evidence linking Wheeler to Julia, as well as the discovery of the suspected murder weapon in the property he was staying at.
The court also heard how a smart watch worn by Julia on her walk in Ackholt Wood captured a spike in her heart rate.
The prosecution says this was the moment Julia spotted her killer and attempted to flee, with her heart rate jumping from 97 to 145 beats per minute.
PRESS HERE for a summary on yesterday's proceedings.
Court has risen to end the first day of proceedings.
Tomorrow (May 10), the jury will be taken to the scene in Snowdown and the defendant, Callum Wheeler, will not be in court.
Stay tuned with this blog for the latest updates on this case. Bye for now.