Gold Coast father tasered in front of his family for 'driving unlicensed': Police drop charges | Daily Mail Online

2022-08-26 19:37:48 By : Ms. Berry Xie

By Tom Heaton For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 13:22 EDT, 25 August 2022 | Updated: 13:22 EDT, 25 August 2022

Heavy-handed police have stormed the property of a young father and tasered him in front of his distraught wife and child for a minor traffic offense, in an incident that was deemed 'totally inappropriately'.

Body cam footage shows officers arrive at the man's Gold Coast home on April 18 demanding he speak to them about driving unlicenced.

But the situation quickly gets heated after the shirtless dad asks police for any evidence and walks away inside his carport.

The officers then follow him onto his property declaring he is under arrest as a taser is drawn.

'Don't shape up to us. This a taser. Get on the ground. Get on the ground,' one officer can be heard saying. 

His agitated wife quickly jumps in front of her husband pleading with officers to back off.

'I just forgot to do his licence... please, please, please... It was my birthday yesterday,' she shouts.

The officer replies: 'Get out of the way ma'am... Get out of the way, you'll be charged with obstruction.' 

A female officer at the tense scene attempts to try and calm his wife down: 'This is just an infringement notice... you guys need to relax.'

As his child wanders outside watching the commotion unfold, officers taser the man and place him in handcuffs.  

A Gold Coast father is seen backing away from the officer who told him he was under arrest because he had driven without a licence 

The officers then follow the father onto his property declaring he is under arrest as a taser is drawn 

His terrified daughter can be heard screaming 'dad' as he's led away.

While sitting on the gutter, the man said he thought his wife had already paid the infringement notice.

'I told her to pay it this morning before I went to work.' 

One officer said: 'Mate you're lucky it's not assault police for clenching your fists like that.'

He was charged with obstructing police and driving while unlicenced, but both offences were swiftly dismissed in court on Thursday because police failed to provide their brief of evidence. 

His agitated wife quickly jumps in front of her husband pleading with officers to back off 

The family's lawyer claimed that police went 'too far' and subjected the family to immense stress.

'My client thinks that police acted totally inappropriately,' Farshad Sarabi from Hannay Lawyers said.

'Pulling a taser on a young family is just not justified in the circumstance.'

Queensland Police have been ordered to pay the family $750 in legal fees.

The family are considering legal action against the Queensland Police.  

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