Spoiler: Not only is it doable, but it's beneficial in more ways than one.But it will require a bit of equipment…In the car as at home, energy independence has the advantage of costing nothing (except for the investment).Another advantage behind the wheel, and not the least, no need to look for a free terminal for charging.And for that, several options are available to you.At home.The first, the most classic, consists of taking advantage of your domestic photovoltaic installation and self-consuming the kilowatt-hours produced.Solar panels on the roof, a charging station or a classic socket in the garage, and let's go.Only requirement, you will have to connect during production hours, so in the afternoon.If you recharge at night, coming home from work.Then it will be necessary to add a battery which stores the green energy produced during the day.A dedicated shelter.Second option: design a dedicated installation, what is called a “carport”.In practice it is a canopy or shade under which you will park, and covered with photovoltaic cells on its roof, this time supplying your terminal directly.Various kit carports are on sale, including inverters and AC box, including that of Zappi.Count approximately €8,000 for the complete installation, shade, bollard and solar roof included.On the car.At this stage, why not recharge directly by sticking the photovoltaic panels on your car?The idea already exists, it is even the promise of the manufacturer Sono Motors which has covered its bodywork with these cells.But when you already have your own car?Tesla thought and you and unveiled a miracle product at a recent auto show in Hanover: a solar trailer to be plugged into the back of your vehicle.Once stopped under a clear sky, you just have to deploy its panels to refuel.#Tesla introduces solar extender trailer with Starlink dish https://t.co/3hDzugnviq— TESLA NEWS France (@TESLANEWSFrance) July 4, 2022And to charge while driving?Hmm, given the size of the panels, that seems like a very bad idea.Not to mention that even with a large surface, the power remains minimal;which will take hours to recharge.Even using his car entirely.Unless the imminent arrival of the first solar cars foreshadows a bright spot for the automotive sector.A curious and eager editorial to help you discover mobility in a different lightEvery week, 1 minute to help you discover the best of mobilitySend us your projects, ideas, remarks or just a kiss