Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral: What happens to hospital appointments in East Sussex?
East Sussex village school rated 'inadequate' by Ofsted
BO/22/02144/DOM: 11 The Holdens. Proposed garden shed.
SDNP/22/03863/FUL: Dorset House, Church Lane. Infill of existing tunnel and construct 2 no. w/c.
SDNP/22/03864/LIS: Dorset House, Church Lane. Infill of existing tunnel and construct 2 no. w/c.
CC/22/01725/TPA: Bishopsgate Walk. Reduce height by 1m (back to previous pruning points), reduce south sector by up to 1.2m and reduce north sector by 0.5m on 8 no. Lawson Cypress trees (quoted as T10) within Group, G1 subject to CC/87/00257/TPO.
CC/22/01712/DOM: Havedstock, Fordwater Road. Installation of ground mounted solar panel array in 2 rows (up to 15 panels per row) in unused space in the garden between a tennis court and boundary fence.
CC/22/02049/DOM: 37 Whyke Lane. Erection of side and first floor extension (resubmission of 21/03188/DOM).
CC/22/02094/DOM: 1 Tregarth Road. Demolition of existing conservatory, erection of single storey rear extension and side carport with alterations to existing garage/store.
CC/22/02120/DOM: 55 Croft Mead. Proposed single storey side extension.
CC/22/02146/DOM: 43 Willowbed Drive. Two storey wraparound extension.
CC/22/02170/TPA: Piers Lodge, Pine Grove. Reduce north-west sector and north-east sector by 2.5m and crown lift by up to 5.5m (above ground level) on eastern sector and by up to 3.5m (above ground level) on the western sector on 1 no. Weeping Willow tree (T5) subject to CC/99/00327/TPO.
CC/22/02258/DOM: 36 St James Square. Single storey rear extension (Variation of conditions 2 and 3 of permission 21/02633/DOM - amend external wall finish from faced brickwork to fibre cement cedral cladding).
CC/22/02262/TPA: Havedstock, Fordwater Road. Crown reduce by 3m on 2 no. Beech trees (quoted as 1 and 2) within Woodland, W2, subject to CC/68/00163/TPO.
CC/22/02297/TCA: M And F Court, 90 - 92 Green Lane. Notification of intention to crown reduce by up to 1.5m on 1 no. Apple tree (T1).
CC/22/02311/TCA: 41 North Street. Notification of intention to crown reduce by up to 2.5m (all round) on 1 no. Yew tree (quoted as T1).
SDNP/22/03364/HOUS: Aburrow Cottage, B2146 West Marden Hill To Compton Square. Demolition of annexe and outbuildings, construction of a 2 storey rear extension and carport and improvements to vehicular access including realignment of existing flint boundary wall.
D/22/02232/TPA: 4 Upton Road. Reduce height by 4m and reduce north, south and west setors by up to 2.5m on 1 no. Sycamore tree (T1, TPO'd nos. T5) subject to D/02/00392/TPO. Fell 1 no. Monterey Cypress tree (quoted as T2) within Area, A1 subject to D/68/00385/TPO.
SDNP/22/03805/LIS: 2 Burton House, Burton Park Road. Form new opening in interior wall of basement to provide access to store room associated with flat 2.
SDNP/22/03970/CND: Stables and Main Barn, Manor Farm, Old Church Lane. Change of use of stables and main barn to food-based venue / events space. Internal and external alterations - Variation of Condition 4 of planning permission SDNP/20/05282/FUL - To allow for/include reference to the catering and serving of wedding breakfasts.
EWB/22/01884/ELD: Office, Flat 3, Kingfisher Parade, East Wittering. Existing lawful development certificate for the use of domestic home office to Use Class E - Office.
SDNP/22/03553/HOUS: The Platt, Sheepwash, Elsted. Demolition of existing conservatory. External and internal alterations including changes to fenestration and associated hard landscaping alterations.
SDNP/22/03908/HOUS: 2 Hurstfold Cottages, Surney Hatch Lane. Proposed garage.
SDNP/22/04078/HOUS: 6 Church Road. Conversion of garage to habitable space, insertion of 1 no. timber sash window to front elevation, French doors to rear elevation and brickwork to match the appearance of existing.
FB/22/02045/DOM: 58 Deeside Avenue. Demolition of existing garage and construction of new 2 story extension plus room in the new roof space. Also side extension to existing kitchen.
FB/22/02167/TCA: 56 Fishbourne Road West. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Walnut tree (T1).
SDNP/22/03842/TCA: Sorrels Farm, Upper Street. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Lawson Cypress tree (Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana) (3).
SDNP/22/04171/TCA: Sorrels Cottage, Bedham Lane. Notification of intention to remove 4 no. lower branches on western sector back to the trunk on 1 no. Sycamore tree (2) and fell 1 no. Spruce tree (1).
SDNP/22/04114/TCA: Giffords, Common Road. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Spruce tree.
SDNP/22/03770/LIS: The Little Cottage, Elsted Road, South Harting. Fenestration changes to the rear elevation and internal ground floor alterations including partial removal of an internal wall.
KD/22/02261/TCA: Downscombe, Village Road. Notification of intention to reduce height by up to 3m and widths (all round) by up to 2m on 1 no. Oak tree (quoted as T1).
SDNP/22/04182/PNTEL: O/S 43 St Nicholas Road, Mid Lavant. Prior notification under regulation 3 for the installation of fixed line broadband electronic communications apparatus consisting of 1 no. 10m light wooden pole (Ref: WDHRRP0N).
LX/22/02286/TPA: Old Oak House, Station Road. Crown reduce by 3m (all round) and crown thin by 20% on 2 no. Oak trees (T2 & T3) subject to LX/02/00663/TPO.
SDNP/22/04223/CEP: Poynings Wastewater Treatment Works. Consultation on variation of Environmental Permit Application A1216/S/04/V001.
SDNP/22/03552/HOUS: Saxonbury, 55 Petersfield Road. Single storey side/rear ground floor extension and associated works.
SDNP/22/03768/FUL: St Margarets Convent Of Mercy, Little Ashfield. Proposed change of use Sui Generis to C2, including external alterations.
NM/22/01999/FUL: Peckhams Farmhouse, Peckhams Copse Lane. Proposed two storey extension and internal alterations along with a new proposed detached barn/garage and change use of part of the site to residential use ensuring the whole site is within the domestic curtilage.
O/22/01920/PA14J: Enviromental Agency, Oving Road, Shopwhyke. Installation of PV panels to the flat and pitched roof.
O/22/02250/PNO: Woodhorn Farm, Woodhorn Lane. Extension to existing grain store.
PS/22/02135/PLD: Dibbinsdale, Chalk Road, Ifold. Single storey side extension.
PS/22/02194/ELD: The Coach House, Oak Lane, Shillinglee. Existing lawful development certificate for the change of use of agricultural land to mixed use of business activities and private amenity land applicable for sui generis status.
PS/22/02266/TPA: Fairways, The Ride, Ifold. Crown reduce by up to 3m (all round) on 1 no. Oak tree (T3) subject to PS/96/00807/TPO.
SDNP/22/04111/HOUS: 1 Paddock Cottages, Nyewood Road. Proposed two bay carport.
SDNP/22/04043/TCA: Crossroads House, North Lane, Charlton. Notification of intention to height reduce my 2.5m and width reduce by 2m all round on 1 no. Silver Maple tree.
SB/22/01865/ADV: Cooks Farm, Cooks Lane. Temporary 1 no. hoarding sign and 4 no. flags and 1 no. tripple face stack sign.
SB/22/02147/DOM: Cooks Farm, Cooks Lane. Erection of single storey side extension.
SB/22/02243/TPA: 17 Morcumbs Park, Penny Lane. Reduce height by 2.5m and widths by 3m (all round) on 1 no. Oak tree (T3) subject to SB/92/00892/TPO.
SB/22/02264/TCA: Walnut Tree Cottage, Prinsted Lane, Prinsted. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Walnut tree (quoted as T1).
SDNP/22/03772/HOUS: The Sorrells, School Lane, Stedham. Proposed new basement and ground floor alterations comprising of omitting the existing integral garage in favour of creating a new utility room and bedroom with en-suite shower room and replacing existing windows with new powder coated aluminium.
SDNP/22/02765/HOUS: 4 Mitchmere, Wildham Lane. Proposed single storey rear extension and front elevational changes.
SDNP/22/04253/HRA: Land North East of Lordington On B2146, B2146 B2147 to Breakneck Lane. Application made under Regulation 77 of the Habitats and Species Regulations, nitrates.
TG/22/02000/DOM: 28 Saxon Meadow. Retrospective 1no. window and an addition of 1no. window to north elevation, 1no. velux roof light to east roof slope.
TG/22/02251/TPA: Land North Of Garland Square. Reduce heights by up to 3m and reduce widths to give an overall radii of no less than 3m on 11 no. Lime trees (quoted as T1-T11 all within Group, G1 subject to TG/08/00192/TPO.
WW/22/01647/FUL: Sandhead, Rookwood Lane. Demolition of 1 no. existing dwelling and the construction of 1 no. new dwelling, covered pool, double garage, boat house and log store.
WW/22/02138/DOM: 1 Cakeham Cottages, Cakeham Road. Partial demolition of existing and construction of part single storey, part two storey side rear/side extensions and internal alterations, including additional second driveway access.
WW/22/02179/TCA: Bards Cottage, Cakeham Road. Notification of intention to crown reduce by up to 1m on 2 no. Oak trees (T1 & T3), 1 no. Pear tree (T5), 1 no. Apple tree (T6) and 1 no. Silver birch tree (T7), crown reduce by 1.5m on 1 no. Oak tree (T2), crown reduce by 0.5m on 1 no. Hawthorn tree (T4) and crown reduce up to 1m (to previous pruning points) on 3 no. Bay trees (G1).
WW/22/01932/TCA: Soundings, Seaward Drive. Notification of intention to remove 1 no. stem (centre sector), reduce 1 no. stem by 3.5m (southern sector), 1 no. stem by 1.5m (eastern sector) on 1 no. Cordyline tree (T1).
WE/22/02137/DOM: Barley End House, Woodmancote Lane, Woodmancote. Single storey rear extension to dwelling. Construction of double garage and conversion of existing garage to annexe.
WH/22/02269/DOM: Pampas Cottage, Claypit Lane. Front boundary wall and gates.
WR/22/02114/ELD: Tanglewood, Kirdford Road. All existing glasshouses and buildings on site and associated land as Agricultural (Sui Generis) use.